The online racing simulator
New LFS WR's chart [updated]
(28 posts, started )
New LFS WR's chart [updated]
Hello, I've made a graph that shows all LFS world records (WR's) that were uploaded each day. It also includes WR's that were broken repeatedly in one day. The new chart has been stored since 31 October 2009.

It also includes some little stats.


See the graph and stats here
Cant you do it in that type o' graph with the line (with x and y-axis)?
Hope you understand what i mean.
But other then that, really great!
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE
I've re-built it to classic column graph (values are going up). Still I can't make the line graph though.
Would it be possible to also include >

A] Usernames/amount uploaded + ratio of WR per upload ?
B] History archives (how far back does the logging go, is there an archive)

Anyway good work just a little lacking in info.
First I want to say that it's completely manual work so the logging is done by me.

a) Maybe I will make it (what do you mean by ratio of WR?).
b) Hmm, the history of logging is the graph itself, I've started it in 11.10.
an interesting feature would be how much the wrs improved each day in terms of seconds
Yes, it will be interesting, but if for example one WR is set by Someone and then he will improve his WR, I can't tell the difference between his old and new WR.

I'm planning to include the most frequent username who uploaded the hotlaps each day and therefore make a biggest WR uploader

Also, I asked Victor if there is any possibility to show more that the specified amout of last uploaded hotlaps (event. WRs). It will be so much better for me.
There's a WR log on Team Inferno's setupfield that goes to like the start of S2 or something. I'm not sure if the dates there are the same as the ones on lfsworld though...
Oh s**t I'm not first. well, I have a graph

I will try to have an automated system, but I think I won't make it If anyone can help me, I will be glad.
Quote from AutoPilot :There's a WR log on Team Inferno's setupfield that goes to like the start of S2 or something. I'm not sure if the dates there are the same as the ones on lfsworld though...

I will ask about this and see how far back this goes and if there is any reason for different dates

When i originally replied i knew there was a log somewhere (asside from LFSworld)
Maybe I can use the TeamInferno log for my graph. So the only difference is that inferno is one day forward than LFSWorld log?

Edit: Today I will add (as i said) the most frequent username who psoted WR in each day and the most frequent track and car uploaded WR in my log.
Quote from Flame CZE :Maybe I can use the TeamInferno log for my graph. So the only difference is that inferno is one day forward than LFSWorld log?

Well, yes, that's why I mentioned it since you said that you had asked Victor to provide more logs. There you have all the logs. But the differences are not just one day forward (it mostly is the same day), for example, there's one entry for marcel FXO/so1 on inferno, and 2 on lfsworld as he beat it 2 times in a short interval. Also, the usernames on inferno are all in lowercase.
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE
that's wicked to see - great work
Is it just me or cant i see anything from that?

Or is this becaus it graph of how much WR got set instead of how much they have improved?
It's the number of uploaded new WR's per day.
Little update
Sorry for the bump The graphs are two now, original from google (thanks ) it's easier to look at the values now.

Also, it seems like every month there's huge number of uploaded WRs
Wow, 39 WR's uploaded on Monday. Nice little statistic there.
Probably duck reuploading his hotlaps. And screwing up the graphs. Bad duck, bad..
Quote from AutoPilot :Probably duck reuploading his hotlaps. And screwing up the graphs. Bad duck, bad..

Not probably, it's true
Quote from autopilot :probably duck reuploading his hotlaps. And screwing up the graphs. bad duck, bad..

rofl :d:d
Nice statistics. LFS World should borow this thing
Website change
I moved the web into our new team website, so it's with .cz now - I also rewrote adding page (you can't view it though lol).

And I have one suggestion. Would it be good if I moved the website to a new (free) hosting instead of leaving it on my team web? It would look like e.g. There are more prefixes like, etc. Or do you know any good free hosting with good prefixes? It requires PHP and MySQL. Thanks

PS: one interesting thing in the graph, the number of uploaded WRs is decreasing again
Flame - do you have this log from Inferno with every WR laptime and the date to see the chart, I suppose, logarytmic?

New LFS WR's chart [updated]
(28 posts, started )