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Broken "Rift Orientation" between F5 and F8
S2 licensed
I noticed today that I was still on F5... I just installed F8 and now the reset-view hotkey only changes the distance from the camera sensor, not your orientation to it.

I sit at 45 degrees to the Rift's camera sensor and that worked perfectly in F5, but now the orientation reset option assumes you are always facing the camera. Given that the sensor needs to be around 4-5ft from you this makes the change unusable for me in my room.

Edit: my bad I see this is already reported, I'm on F7 now
Last edited by 4rtV4nd3l4y, .
Superb DK2 support
S2 licensed
Hi, just a quick note to say thanks for such a great implementation of DK2 support. It's pretty much the only game I use it for regularly (though I've played a bit of Elite: Dangerous too).

It really is incredibly fluid and adds to the whole gameplay so much.

The only thing missing is "3d" mirror support, it's clear in DK2 that the mirrors are rendered flat and don't take into account your head position. It's the only aspect of the DK2 support that is visually jarring as there's a weird effect where your eyes try to re-focus to "solve" the visual anomaly you see.

Thanks again!

p.s. lack of ghost car support makes taking turns on DK2 with friends less fun than it could be... I'm assuming there's no way but I've searched all over and can't find anything but a mod that stopped working in ~2010.