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S3 licensed
Maybe it would be interesting to use a phone as a deported dash.
S3 licensed
It is working, I can pass my script files if someone need them (to gain time).
Only thing not perfect it is working when joining not when choosing car in the garage (not really an issue).
Anyway it would be easier to tick a box and then have the game doing that alone.
S3 licensed
Thank you Silverracer.
I guess:
'/wheel_turn NNN
is the command I was looking for.
I will try as soon as I get home!
S3 licensed
I have my indication scipts running well but if I want a perfect match between Wheel controller and in game Wheel I need to setup for each car the steering lock.
How can I add that to my scripts?

By the way I have my wheel turn compensation set to 1 but it is kind of nonsense as I set my wheel differently for each car with the same steering.
S3 licensed
Thanks, I was not able (at work) to open LFS to verify.
S3 licensed
Server with a lot of restriction are a pain for casual drivers.
Host your own, call a couple of friends and enjoy!
S3 licensed
Thank you,
I will use it, and will spend 15minutes to setup everythings to make it easier for me!
S3 licensed
I have been setting up all my stuff in an easier way. Drawback I loose one gigabit port.
Modem enter one normal port on the cisco. I removed the routing capabilities on the cisco. I force IP on my LFS comp and open DMZ to this one on the modem.
I am having fun hosting!
BF1 Steering wheel lock angle?
S3 licensed
Is it 400 or 450?

I refer to
S3 licensed
Interesting but lot of work for a casual racer like me.
Wheel setup and rotation and various setup options.
S3 licensed
I suppose I am not the first one complaining but the current system about Wheel steering angle is a pain with my Fanatec GT3RS Wheel.
With this wheel I can set up my steering range using some buttons.
Most of the time I am setting my wheel to turn like in the normal car, so I need to do the following everytime I change of car.
Touch the setup to match the lock of “real” car, then change the setting on my wheel. It would be so much easier to have that as a default and when I choose a car a reminder of how many degrees I need to set on my wheel.

Having a table of configuration for specific setup by car would be interesting, like for one given car, what view do I like, how much steering lock to lock.
Some reminder or auto fuel would also help for quick fun race.
S3 licensed
Thank you Guys,

I have been doing that on the CISCO:

Uploaded with
Anything to set on the other router?

I did not check if it works so far. I will keep you updated.

Si espanol es muy cerca del frances, pero vivo en espana y esto es el jazztel router.

J'ai pas de firewall qui tourne. No firewall set. I can download to 1000 -1500 ko/s under torrent (no emule set even if there is some default parameters on the first modem).
S3 licensed
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately my friend is not admin on its lan/router so not possible from its side.

From my side everything is more complicated because I have two router chained.

The modem router is and here is what I have been trying to setup:

I have been trying various combination for remote host and internal host ip without success.

My computer is ip and it is plugged to the second router (cisco) which is
It set up this way:

I know it is not the most frequent cabling but I need it this way and I cant change the general setup (eg: removing one router).

Anyone good about that to underline where I am going wrong?

S3 licensed
Yes you are right that is connect timed out error.
I have been through the manual which is pretty straightforward.

Anyway when I add the port in my router linksys e3000, it says save successfull and then it is not listed... I guess I will check the linksys forum to see if I get an answer.

Thank you for answer.
Multiplayer host issue
S3 licensed
Hi there,
I havent played online for a while (4years).
If I do a host like that attachment my team mate cannot join me.
We both can join normal host without issue...
S3 licensed
I just bought a GT2-RS, not sure if it was the right moment, especially with thrustmaster also having a same price wheel...
Anyway I am enjoying it.
S3 licensed
No picture, no website, no price, no lfs license?
I need a handbrake anyway but you are not good at selling yours...
S3 licensed
Good job Scawen wish you the best for the next one.
S3 licensed
Nice post.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the report and dont get too nervous you are going to get it right!
S3 licensed
Luckily you did not have a bad cluster in the middle!
S3 licensed
Keep up the difficult work Scawen. I am sure it is worth it.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the update Scawen, there is some interesting stuff to think about in it.
Anyway it would be nice to know if you have all thedata you need from your virtual tyre and how is progressing the implementation of these value.
Nevertheless, you are fighting a huge physic problem here with not that much of real value to compare with. I guess it is worth a couple of PhD in mechanics/dynamics...
S3 licensed
I am glad coding physic still lights on your passion (to Scawen). My main fear was that progress stoped and you got bored.
So far LFS brought me the best sensation I have ever had on a simulator. To be honnest earliest built rocked (I mean brought me pleasure near real life) on FWD and latest on RWD.
I am confident the next step will rock when it is done.
Keep up Scawen.
S3 licensed
Thanks for these posts Scawen.
Nice to hear that you did not end up in a dead end for tire physic.
I feel that there is still a lot to do, but I am confident as you also seems confident.
Anyway I will be glad to give it a try when it is done.