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S3 licensed
In any kind of racing bumping the back of another car when it is already close to the edge of it's abilities can have very bad consequences(losing control, etc)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :...

The batch command file sounds like an excellent idea
S3 licensed
Quote from Honey :no, i meant that if collisions are calculated at t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, etc. the probability that two objects start to collide at exactly t1, or t2, etc is about zero, thus 99.9% of times objects collide and since collision detection callback function still wasn't called, object will continue their movements and thus meaning object will overlap -> overlap is the source of the problem.

in few words, i used poisson name to explain it's no lfs flaw for object overlap, it's a mathematical issue.

The problem is that there are two simulations trying to simulate the same thing, but they are not in sync because of network latency, so bad things can happen when one simulation thinks you are somewhere you are not and vice versa. Some work could probably be done to cut down on the sending you into orbit collision responses while playing online, but I'm sure Scawen has plenty to stay busy for a long time.
Last edited by BrandonAGr, .
S3 licensed
The only time I have had a problem while being close to another car was when there was significant lag, and then their car jumped into mine a bit and I was sent spinning off the track. You can't really help network congestion in a realtime physically based game, I think LFS does an excellent job.
S3 licensed
Wow, thread went from 2 pages to 8 since I last checked.

I just want to say that I agree with Bahrain 100%, although maybe he could of been a bit more tactful with some of the arguements. PartyBoat somewhat, but calling people moron in big letters really is pointless. All the people that are going on about how stalking is illegal are missing the point, there was no stalking going on, just someone being an idiot/annoying someone in a game.

Best post was by Honey

We might as well close the thread now that we have invoked Godwin's law
Last edited by BrandonAGr, .
S3 licensed
There is a block messages button for a reason, stop drawing attention to yourself and you wouldn't have a problem. People are ****s to other people all the time, why do you deserve special consideration? Not that I want to come off as rude, but it seems like you are just attention whoring with this thread as much as the people who you say are stalking you.
Last edited by BrandonAGr, .
S3 licensed
Yeah most are just a reading from the output of the transmission where the axle ratio and tire size are assumed to be constants and factored in to get ground speed, having the speeds read from that instead of the 'actual speed' like it is now would be really cool.
S3 licensed
Quote from rabidmaddog :Quite honestly, I just don't understand how an individual in today's world can succumb to the irrational ignorance and insecurity which drives groups such as the neo-nazis, the KKK, etc.

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :so I found out who it was and because he was too chicken shit to say it when I was there (or even get out of his car for that matter) I just smashed all his windows as he sat in it.

I see why you chose your username
S3 licensed
Found an online flash game that implements this idea ... course-football/index.php
S3 licensed
I didn't realize so many europeans were into sheep
S3 licensed
Why do you say V for Vendetta was a european movie? Just because it was shot in Britain? Sure it was based on the comic by the British Alan Moore set in a future dystopian UK but the screensplay was written and it was produced by the Wachowski Brothers and distributed by Warner Brothers.
S3 licensed
mrodgers you seem to have more of an agenda than just being against a movie, it's not a money making scam, we live in a consumer driven economy, they make the movies that they think will make them money. At the end of the day this is just a movie that believe it or not some people will see and enjoy, but you can post pointless nonsensical rants all day since that's what you seem to enjoy doing. Your first mistake was that you presume to think that your idea of entertainment applies to everyone.
Last edited by BrandonAGr, .
S3 licensed

The car building montage was pretty funny while they were putting the RB in the mustang, only took them 5 minutes.
S3 licensed
I unfortunately saw it today, the one thing that annoyed me [most] was the simple fact that, DRIFTING IS NOT RACING! The objectives of racing and drifting are for the most part mutually exclusive.
Last edited by BrandonAGr, .
S3 licensed
Awesome, just what I was looking for.
S3 licensed
easy, exactly 25.4 millimeters per inch
S3 licensed
Quote :
So his father, Brandon Coleman, took him to a new indoor kart center in Houston. He had been driving only five minutes when CART driver Price Cobb, in town for a race, took notice.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time, but to get noticed he must have mad natural talent.
S3 licensed
who uses a million million? a thousand million=billion seems like a much more useful unit.
S3 licensed
As someone with a Computer Science degree and who makes games it seems like you don't know enough on the topic to know what you want to do, if you want to get into programming, go buy a book and start programming something very small and very simple, anything. For an overview on what a large scale game takes check out
S3 licensed
A cell phone is a type of mobile phone, as I guess there could be many other types(any phone that is not wired I would assume could be called a mobile phone), see the earlier car phones that were obviously mobile but did not use cellular networks. If you want to define a native name, where do you think cell phones were invented?

What do you call a real torch? A flaming stick?
Last edited by BrandonAGr, .
S3 licensed
Quote :
why is a mobile phone called a "cell phone", ok it has a battery cell, but so do some portable home phones that have a docking station
S3 licensed
The BF1 on the aston north going clockwise, there is a steeply banked corner in the middle of the hilly part, it's always fun to throw a car into a nice banked corner
S3 licensed
At least I think he was refering to bracket racing where instead of racing the guy next to you to see who can get the fastest time, you see who can get closest to a 'dial in' time that you guess before hand without going any faster than that time. It basically allows cars that are not equal in horsepower or ET time to compete against each other, because it tests driver skill more than how much money you have dumped into your car to make it go fast in a straight line.
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N : The trouble being it's only the people who want to follow the law and be a (generally) good citizens who are getting kicked out.

Aren't they being deported because they didn't follow the law? IE they are not in the country legally/following proper procedure?