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S3 licensed

**PiranMOTO Open DD - Season 13 Event 6**
**Friday 7th June** at **19:00 UTC**

** REMINDER - You will need to use test patch
version E12 to join the server this week!

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S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Last edited by Racon, .
S3 licensed
Shift-I turns off all the InSim buttons you've got on your screen, but doesn't stop any more being sent - think of it as "clear current buttons" rather than "turn off buttons".

InSim authors can detect Shift-I and not send any more buttons until you do Shift-I again to make it act like "turn off buttons", but they have to write it that way.

The clearing of the current buttons happens regardless, so it just depends on the InSim if they reappear afterwards.
S3 licensed
There were 3 admins there - two of us don't use the command, but one of us had it set to a bind. He uses ctrl-f6 and alt-f1 for other common things, but has alt-f6 set as '/zero_all'. It's infinitely more likely that he confused the key combinations without realising it than that it's a bug that has gone undiscovered this long.

Apologies for the wild goose chase!
S3 licensed
It was server version E8 at the time of the race, my client version was E12.

I imagine everyone else was using a variety of client versions. I can find out if it turns out to be helpful, but I think it was a host issue rather than client because it affected us all.
Split 1 times were removed for all players during race
S3 licensed
In the race attached, every player had their split1 time 'undone' on lap 1.

We crossed the split and registered a time as shown on the top-right of the screen. InSim sent an SPX packet for each.

A couple of seconds after the first was set, all of them were undone - no longer showing in the top right for any player.

A couple of players hadn't crossed the split when it happened and they both registered times as they did, but they too lost their times shortly after.

We all continued and LFS behaved as it would have done if we'd physically missed the first split, ie, not registering any further splits or the first lap. (I don't think anyone noticed until the second actual lap was showing as lap 1).

When the first player crossed split1 for the second time, it registered, and everything was as it should be from then onwards. The only difference in the end was that we'd driven four laps but only registered three.

I have splits/laps logged, you can see the effect in the times here. (I store all the splits in a stack until they're written on completion of the lap, so there's an extra split showing too)

Timeline: (in lap times, not replay time)

0:20.93 - First split1 set
0:23.10 - All split1 times undone
0:23.55 - First new split1 set
0:28.91 - New split1 times undone
1:32.84 - First split1 set (on second actual lap) - All OK here
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Last edited by Racon, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Last edited by Racon, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Last edited by Racon, .
S3 licensed
Car full name: PIRAN FIREFLY 200
Link to mod's page:
S3 licensed
Entry number : 66
Entry name : PiranMOTO 66
Car: Piran Firefly 200
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : [PM] Jam 66/racon/United Kingdom
Last edited by Racon, . Reason : added car
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Last edited by Racon, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Last edited by Racon, .
S3 licensed
I had a little adventure with LOD2, back at the start of modding...

I had made LOD1 with around 13k triangles and copied them all to LOD2, switched to LOD2 view and started attacking it. I figured that I'd keep any edges as they were to keep the shadow profile smooth, and just remove all the detail from the flat parts as that couldn't ever affect the shadow. I spent about a day of work over a week, I think, carefully choreographing the order of endless "merge to green" operations. (you can see where this is going now Big grin)

It never occurred to me that the points in LOD2 were the same points as LOD1 - it was quite a shock to see LOD1 mangled flat when I finally switched back, lots of swearing Big grin (no blame btw, it's the sort of thing I should have a) checked and b) twigged from the fact that there were also points there for triangles that I hadn't copied).

It also didn't occur to me that I could save what I'd done as a separate object and just import it into the last unmangled backup I had... so, I'm currently doing it again that way. This time around I have the "reduce detail" tool, so it's not so bad as the first time Wink

I don't know if it's worth separating the points for LODs, but I can definitely vouch for it catching out people who aren't paying proper attention. Maybe a text warning when you're merging points or using reducing detail in any LOD other than LOD1 might be enough.
S3 licensed
There is a "reload" button in the viewer, for forcing a reload after you change the skin Thumbs up
S3 licensed
It's been replaced by in-game function: In the car/mod selection screen there is a button marked "viewer" on the left - click that and you get the same function as the standalone program, but for all cars and mods.
S3 licensed