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S3 licensed
Release date? Big grin
S3 licensed
Version: 40
askdjqbwad k1bjdkad1kd a kb1j bdkw1kdw

Understandable. Tilt
S3 licensed
What is the source of the rims?
S3 licensed
LOD3 needs some adjustments.
S3 licensed
I was checking this mod for approval and there are a few issues, which needs to be addressed:

Can you please use the clear skin (5587CD_Default) for the default color and not the (5587CD_Digital1)?

- Side skin mappings are flipped in all LODs (attached screenshots);
- The frame could be improved;
- The gauge cluster aspect ratio is not correct (the circles are stretched);
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
Can you fix the rims - the edge is a bit off center.
The attached file is a .gif
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
This one needs a better LOD2. Thumbs up
S3 licensed
I'm thinking of approving this one. Thumbs up

I noticed the climate control texture is mirrored when set to left driver position.
S3 licensed
What exactly is ripped?
S3 licensed
I'm thinking of approving this one. Thumbs up

Few things I noticed:
- The front number plate mapping need some adjustments;
- Rear lights could be brighter;
- Dash and gauge cluster textures could be darker;
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
I'll see if I can add it (not sure about the layers availability).

EDiT: The mod currently has tinted windows. Shrug

Also, the layers are full ...
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
We need more skins!
S3 licensed
I remember doing this... 7 years... time flies so fast. Ya right
S3 licensed
Some in-game screenshots. Smile
S3 licensed
I've noticed the rear tail / brake lights are a bit dim.
The glass texture should be fully transparent and the actual light (on) texture brighter.

Also the interior chrome parts could be less shiny (its a bit distracting).
S3 licensed
Can you please remove the interior tint from the front window?
Also the rear lights have this strange red painted edge.
And LOD3 needs some adjustments.

Otherwise not bad. Thumbs up
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
Also on corych's artstation page this same model is paid:
S3 licensed
It appears that the VK page of the author has been deleted and now the origin of the mod is just a sharemods link. Frown

I'm wondering if there is any other way to confirm the legitimately of the 3D model? Uhmm

EDIT: This link is active:
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
Don't play it, just keep making mods (like I do in the recent years). Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Epic. Your mods are one of, if not the best in LFS.

Thank you! Smile
Quote from Jonathon.provost :Love this mod! Really great work.
Would love to see a race version too Smile

One observation, the graphical gauge rev limit is 8k but the LFS rev limit is 7k.

Thanks, I'm thinking about making the Cup version. Smile

In the next update I will fix the gauge limiter (actually it's at 7500 rpm), so I will make the engine rev up to 7500 rpm.

EDIT: Actually it's a bit over 7500 rpm, need to check the exact BeamNG values.Uhmm
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
This one is a great addition to LFS! Heart

I have noticed a small issue with the wheels texture.
S3 licensed
It's has a bit different shape though. Shrug
I think it's alright. Uhmm
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
Maybe it were modified by the owner with an aftermarket emblem? Uhmm

Do you remember the model of the car?

Maybe the author should be asked to change the logo? It can still be "S" but with a different font.
Last edited by Evolution_R, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Layout Square cameras now have 40m height instead of 4m

I'm wondering why is that change, is it because of the long distance between cameras or the jitter? Shrug
S3 licensed
The mod is now published for review. Hope you gonna like it. Smile