The online racing simulator
I really don't want yet more special effects to lower my FPS. IMO all this special lighting stuff looks crap and totally artifical, I'd rather be able to understand what's going on in my artifical image than stare at a white screen.

Having said that I do still argue that the better GPL tracks (ie. IoM, Blue Mountain etc.) look far better than any 3D offering by LFS or nK and deliver much higher frame rates.

EDIT - just to add I don't like that post process stuff either so hopefully it would be an option.
Quote from Roadie :Yah, I put alot of effects on it to just show it, so people wont go "I don't see a difference"... Also I really didn't notice a performance drop, I don't think there was one.

yeah, was a little bit too much, but when post process should be integrated, it should be then a option to choose, i agree with that.
btw.. may i know, how i can get those post pro effects? would be nice for capturing.
I cant give them out, sorry... But you can use dxtweaker and make your own.
#29 - Woz
I think come S3 LFS will require a major gfx update otherwise it will be behind the pack. While effects like HDR, dynamic lighting etc are put down by people there is no way to take away what they can add to a sim if done well.

Driving in rF and have night time come in and the track lights come on is great. Also the reverse of coming through the night and into morning. Adds a load to the driving experience.
Quote from Woz :
Driving in rF and have night time come in and the track lights come on is great. Also the reverse of coming through the night and into morning. Adds a load to the driving experience.

Just think about 24 hour races. I agree with some people that they can't run HDR with their cards but S3 is not expected this year so I think HDR should be practicable with the graphic cards in 2 or 3 years.

You just need to have a look at the improvement in the last 12 months. Ok I don't upgrade every 3 years but it would be a nice feature anyway.
^^ I think it is very important that LFS has an option to use the current graphics engine in the future. I currently don't touch nK Pro and rFactor, regardless of physics, due to the pathetic FPS I can get with them.
Oops, hit reply in the wrong thread I had openned.