The online racing simulator
My first render of LFS cars
(10 posts, started )
My first render of LFS cars
This is the first render I'v done of a car from LFS.


This probably doesn't look like a first render, but I'v had other experiances in 3d studio max so it shoulden't look to bad.

The reflections are a bit off on the hoods, but I coulden't figure out why, or how to fix it.

If you've seen this anime, you'll understand the details on and under the lights.
#2 - Davo
Not too bad, however it doesn't look very realistic for some reason. I just can't pick it, the shadows or or something? Yellow interior is strange too. Otherwise it's good. If you used the cmx importer to make the scene that'l explain the crappy reflections ont he hood, the smoothing groups aren't right there and need some adjusting.
Try using only one lightsource instead of two.

Plus the cmx models of the XRT has its smoothing all messed up on the bonnet which you don't notice in the game, but creates rogue reflections when you try and render them. To get rid of them you'll need to re-do the smoothing groups on the bonnet.
Thanks guys, I figured it had something to do with the smoothing.
I'll have to correct that.

As for the yellow interior, I have a light inside the car where the dome light would be, it lights up the interior a bit.
The interiors are actualy brown leather too, I used my custom interior for the texture.
I also have a red tint on the windows too.
what programmes are you guys using to render them cars
#6 - Jakg
(usually) 3DSMax + Brazil
Quote from Crashgate3 :Try using only one lightsource instead of two.

Plus the cmx models of the XRT has its smoothing all messed up on the bonnet which you don't notice in the game, but creates rogue reflections when you try and render them. To get rid of them you'll need to re-do the smoothing groups on the bonnet.

Hi, how do you fix the smoothing on the XRG & XRT bonet.
I don't have Brazil, so I have to use the built in render system in max 7
#9 - Ian.H
Quote from Splint :Hi, how do you fix the smoothing on the XRG & XRT bonet.

With the Smoothing Groups buttons on the main rollout (right hand side of 3DS) while in Edit Mesh submode.

Be aware however, the XR* cars have _far_ more smoothing to sort out than just the bonnet.. I had to redo half the car for my brazil scenes.. all the door edge recesses, complete front bumper, 70% of the interior (although I did that after I released the scenes), door sills, rear bumper.. etc etc

There's a couple of hours worth of work involved.


The main problem (at least, the most noticable problem) with the XR series is that the recess behind the bonnet is smoothed with the main part of the bonnet (shown by the red arrows in the attached pic). You need to zoom and rotate the view until you can see this tiny thin row of polys, select them, and either remove their smoothing group or assign them a different group. To assign groups, select the polys and scroll the sidebar down to the smoothing groups section, shown in the attachment. You'll see that when you select polys, different numbers light up. Just select and unselect numbers to put polys into soothing groups. Polys in the same group will be smoothed together if they touch.

Theres a few more problems as Ian H said above, but that's the main one.
Attached images

My first render of LFS cars
(10 posts, started )