The online racing simulator
new (modable) Inlays / overlays
When I was installing the demo of RACE, I noticed that all backgrounds of the inlays are modable, 'cause they are in .tga format.
And I think it could be possible, to include something like that.

I think it could work like that:
So we would make a e.g. 800*600 picture, more or less to play around with the inlays.

than make up an .txt where to write in:

Type (e.g. positions (1), car (2), backgound (3), player name (4), LFS name (5), gap (6), finishing time (7), fastest laptime (8)) - Datapath - position (in a 800*600 picture) the font with Datapath, and in witch view it could be used (Cockpit (1), Free (2), Chasing (3), Heli (4), TV (5)).
(4 -7 are only for localisite the position of name, 1 is all the time a picture , to have for different positions, different colours in the inlays (in formula one the leader got a red background, the others this dark blue one))


1 "D:\pics\rankinglist\position1.png" "33/480"
2 "D:\pics\bmw.png" "85/525"
3 "D:\pics\wtcc_tv_inlay.png" "33/480"
4 "97/487"
5 "" (no)
6 "" (no)
7 "" (no)
8 "227/532"
View 1,2,3,4,5

Font "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\ArialN.ttf"

saved as "D:\Live for Speed\data\inlays\WTCC\id.txt"

a complete set of inlays would include:
racer id
fastest lap
speed & rpm

for all PES5 players, i thought of some kind of kitserver, only ingame included.

This could make it possible to make some thing like these tv inlays, like in F1, like in WTCC, like in WRC.

There should be an included option in the interface menu.

to sum it up:

modable function to make tv-inlays like in F1 (or even Nascar, IRL a.s.o.)

comments please!
I'm not quite sure what any of you have said so far
Well as only a part, I mean mid-race overlays like in F1 too. I'll upload two pictures of RACE, to get it clearer (in about one or two hours).

And maybe (only maybe) the permanent ranking on the right side, could be subsituted with somekind of "only-showing-the-two-infront-and-two-behind", every sector a small message leader is x; away, and every lap, this full grid with all drivers and gaps relativ to the leader.

And I think, it could be useful for streaming races. First, you could include sponsors in these overlays, or you could make your own one for every league, and you can make them so big, that you can read, who this guy was, who made the accidet, who pitted, who won. Because I 've never ever seen a 640*480 stream (no one i could watch) (btw, could be a new idea for a subforum in Skins section )
I'm just waiting for somebody to come along and say .xml - although personally I dont see what is wrong with text files. It's going to happen though, in a few posts...

Anyway, +1.
yeah ,its a good idea +1
I've found another game wich uses modable backgrounds... it's UltraStar, a freeware game, trying to get SingStar on the PC. I think, the menu background is modable enought only all the menu buttons and the racing inlays should be more modable then just changing the colours.

(I'm not wanting this thread to be forgotten^^)