The online racing simulator
cmx edit
(4 posts, started )
cmx edit
can some one make me a cmx convertible for the lfs viewer for the xrt.
#2 - Jakg
you dont understand, you cant just put custom cmx files in the viewer (just like you cant in game), you have to edit them with a 3d modeling program (such as 3DS Max) then make a render from that

If it sounds complicated its because it is
Download a trial of 3DSMax, a copy of the CMX importer (see Masterskinners), and leave about 2 or 3 months of fiddling, learning and playing in 3DS. Then you'll be at the stage of rendering the default cars. Then ask for a convertible version. Or spend another year or so learning how to do it yourself.
#4 - Jakg
i suggest you read the thread you started, you asked for "the renderer thingy skin vjeiwer" [sic] and and were told all about how hard it is and how you CANT DO IT IN THE SKIN VIEWER, but no, you just made a new thread regardless

cmx edit
(4 posts, started )