Real drift angle in InSim.Net?
Hello, it's me again! Big grin
Currently i'm using AngVel but it doesn't use the drift angle, it uses the vehicle angle when i turn right or left... So, my question is how to detect the "real drift angle" in InSim.Net? I see there are some servers who use the drift angle (LFSLazy too) and i think i can do it too. Checked LFS manual but nothing there...
Tried with

(MCI.Info[0].Heading / MCI.Info[0].Direction) * 182f;

but this code does the same as AngVel :/
You want the difference between direction and heading, so just a subtraction, no division.
CompCar.AngVel * 360 / 16384
Heading * 180 / 32768
Direction * 180 / 32768

I use it like this