LFS ingame TV
(4 posts, started )
LFS ingame TV

As some of you might know games like Counter Strike:Global Offensive or Dota2 have their in-game ''Watch'' section where you have the chance to view live games.

I would like to see this implemented in LFS for the following reasons:
  • It would be really cool if you could view a game from the in-game view (obviously you can't have over 60 people on one server, therefor having a function which allows you to spectate the race without joining the actual server as a player would be nice);
  • Not everyone can and will stream racing leagues, therefor just having the opportunity to view a race would be a great experience;
  • Functions like these attract more people.
#2 - troy
There was something like this back in the days, it made use of the temp.mpr file so you only needed somebody streaming his temp.mpr with this program to a central server then clients where able to "stream" this live-replay file.

Was pretty neat, sadly it died without anybody further developing it. Thread about the idea (includes the working proof of concept somewhere burried in there) https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/12319-LFS-TV,-replay-streaming-
I think it would at minimum also need a way for viewers to chat with each others, and probally a way to provide audio commentary.
Because if you do not have those, then how is it different from downloading the replay?
The replay will be not be "live" but has other advantages: Fastforward, go back, skip etc.

There are many ways to watch/follow a race:
-livestream (live or recorded)
-LFSremote / tracker
-forum (pictures, videos)

The "temp.mpr-streaming" as in troy's link seems to have some principial drawbacks:
-Viewer needs S2 license
-Someone must run a relay-server
Yes, it would be awesome to have audio commentary. As far as I know and have experienced, Dota2 in-game live-streams as well as CS:GO live-streams allows broadcasters to broadcast their game on the specific server and spectators are capable of choosing from the list of broadcasters that they want to listen to whilst viewing the game.

LFS ingame TV
(4 posts, started )