The online racing simulator
#26 - 5tag
To be honest more people will enter if you let some room for creativity. The rules for this one (99) were very specific.

There are hardly any spaces in LFS that you could make look like you were driving through a forest. A park or alley at best, but even for those I could only find 1 or 2 good places on Westhill - and I looked twice on each track.

Add to that the fact that a convincing bad weather edit is an absolute time sink and very hard to get right... there goes the rest of potential participants.

Also next round delis (host) and Shirtkicker (who chooses the theme) should make entries (and early), how else can you expect other people to take part?

Best of luck to everyone in N°100, I'm willing to give it a try.
I'm definitely attending the next, 100th round of Photomode Competition. I've already got the theme from Shirtkicker and I'll be posting the thread next week Smile
#28 - 5tag
Thank you Wink