ETCC LFS Super Cup 2013: Round 9/10
Round 9/10 of the ETCC FX2 Super Cup, FX2 @ FE3R (Fern Bay Gold Rev) Information

Thursday 07 November 2013
*Qualifying start = 19:30 UTC
*Race start = 20:10 UTC

- 30 Min Qualifying
- 24 lap race with no pits
- 24 lap race with no pits

Server Information:
Password: For those who came to the last round will know the password as it has not changed.

Basic Rules:
- No Bump-Drafting.
- Strictly NO CHAT during Qualifying and Race sessions. 2 offences will result in a Drive-Through Penalty.

There is a thread for people to Protest incidents after the event should they need too, and will have until Midnight the following day to report. Those will be handled by myself and ETCC Race Control. Results from those protests will be posted with consequences we feel do justice to the incident.

Please Confirm your attendance with the following format in this thread:
Your Driver Name:
Team Name:
Driver Number:
LFS username

Please use the name format '01 ETCC Admin' whilst on the event server. If you have any questions do not hesitate to make a post.

Procedure for Round 9/10:

- You will have a full 30 minutes to get a fast time, you can pit as many times as you wish but you must not talk in the chat. (the use of !pm is allowed during the league event).
- Do not cut corners to gain any time or you will receive a penalty for the next round.

- You must pit and change all tires.
- When you are in the pits please respect other drivers and do not driver over pit boxes.
- Do not cut corners to gain on a faster car or you will receive a penalty for the next round.

Added mass from round 9/10:
V.Belenzada = 45Kg
S M.Sipola = 36Kg
C.Guerra = 27Kg
LR Mazda = 18Kg
LR Cougar = 9Kg
#2 - maz17
Your Driver Name: LR Phenom
Team Name: Launch Racing
Driver Number: 24
LFS username: cougar8

Your Driver Name: LR Mazda
Team Name: Launch Racing
Driver Number: 1
LFS username:maz17

Your Driver Name: LR Cougar
Team Name: Launch Racing
Driver Number: 8
LFS username: paul88

Your Driver Name: LR Pauli
Team Name: Launch Racing
Driver Number: 2
LFS username: paulsvk

Your Driver Name: LR Hesteng
Team Name: Launch Racing
Driver Number: 12
LFS username: Hesteng1968
Your Driver Name: spdoFade
Team Name:
Driver Number: 17
LFS username: fadeaway
Your Driver Name: [SR] Riddick
Team Name: Sonicrealms Racing
Driver Number: 10
LFS username: Riddick
Your Driver Name: S M.Sipola
Team Name: SAVAGE SimSports
Driver Number: 71
LFS username: Eetu71