The online racing simulator
Emm,guys,you forgot to add Lithuanian racers team to the team championship standings
Quote from prOmo_LTU :Emm,guys,you forgot to add Lithuanian racers team to the team championship standings

And that is why? Sorry, but I don't see where your drivers got any points in Round 5, by looking at Tommy's driver standings. And there was still no Lithuanian racers before round 5, so I don't understand what you mean.

Maybe I'm blind, dunno, but I really don't see.
(andRo.) DELETED by andRo.
Here are the unofficial team standings. I don't know, whether there will be penalties given or not, but if there are, I will change the standings, just inform me.
Don't be shy to tell me if there are any mistakes in points, spellings, etc.

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Denzo Crew and Denzo Crew Jr are actually the same.
How am I supposed to know that? Then write the name the same, not 2 different ways. You should know how to write your team name, shouldn't you?

Because by adding Jr, it usually means a lower group of the team, that is being tested. (Forgot how to really say it), but the points go for 2 different teams. For ex. Sim Racing Lithuania Team and Sim Racing Lithuania D Team.

I don't know if it would be fair to fix, but I guess I will. Because you never mentioned it's the same team, and you just want points that would let you go a place up.

Lets see, what Yann says about this, if yes, I will change the standings.
Quote from andRo. :How am I supposed to know that? Then write the name the same, not 2 different ways. You should know how to write your team name, shouldn't you?

Because by adding Jr, it usually means a lower group of the team, that is being tested. (Forgot how to really say it), but the points go for 2 different teams. For ex. Sim Racing Lithuania Team and Sim Racing Lithuania D Team.

I don't know if it would be fair to fix, but I guess I will. Because you never mentioned it's the same team, and you just want points that would let you go a place up.

That is right, indeed.

There's no way we can merge the points earned by Denzo and Denzo Jr now, sorry.
These are not official standings. The standings will be updated, because there have been some penalties given, but it won't change any teams position. I'll updated it tomorrow after school. BTW, Yann, if you want to do it yourself etc., I can send you the original file, just ask.
I also thought that I was mpeltonen's team mate. We originally added "Jr" to my car's name because we thought that two cars is maximum in one team and mpeltonen and kimione were confirmed already. Later when I saw that some teams had more than two cars, I believed that we were all driving for same team.
Quote from andRo. :How am I supposed to know that? Then write the name the same, not 2 different ways. You should know how to write your team name, shouldn't you?

Because by adding Jr, it usually means a lower group of the team, that is being tested. (Forgot how to really say it), but the points go for 2 different teams. For ex. Sim Racing Lithuania Team and Sim Racing Lithuania D Team.

I don't know if it would be fair to fix, but I guess I will. Because you never mentioned it's the same team, and you just want points that would let you go a place up.

Lets see, what Yann says about this, if yes, I will change the standings.

It have been writen in 2 ways for entire season,but Norppis4's points have added to Denzo Crew,not Denzo Crew Jr.
Round 6 wasn't only round for Norppis4 to get points
I'll get the final driver-championship result posted when I get back home. I dont have the file here at school :/ :P

EDIT: POST 900! \o/
Quote from Norppis4 :I also thought that I was mpeltonen's team mate. We originally added "Jr" to my car's name because we thought that two cars is maximum in one team and mpeltonen and kimione were confirmed already. Later when I saw that some teams had more than two cars, I believed that we were all driving for same team.

That's why you should read RULES, before signing up, then you wouldn't think that there can only be 2 drivers in a team and I wouldn't think either, that you have 2 teams.

IMO, it's your own fault you didn't read the rules, so I should keep the 2 different teams, but it's up to Yann to decide. And anyone is able to write, you could have asked.

BTW, previous points were added to Denzo Crew, because I didn't notice the Jr sign.
What I should do is, that I take the points I added to Denzo Crew and give to Denzo Crew Jr and that should fix the problem, but let's see what Yann has to say about this.

Anyway, after penalties were added, results have changed:
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Quote from andRo. :That's why you should read RULES, before signing up, then you wouldn't think that there can only be 2 drivers in a team and I wouldn't think either, that you have 2 teams.

IMO, it's your own fault you didn't read the rules, so I should keep the 2 different teams, but it's up to Yann to decide. And anyone is able to write, you could have asked.

BTW, previous points were added to Denzo Crew, because I didn't notice the Jr sign.
What I should do is, that I take the points I added to Denzo Crew and give to Denzo Crew Jr and that should fix the problem, but let's see what Yann has to say about this.

Totally right. You should've checked in order to see if having more than 2 cars is allowed or not. Asking someone else isn't forbidden too So, sorry, but we just cannot merge your points now, you should've pointed out the situation earlier.

I understand that it can be frustrating and confusing to be in several leagues and deal with different sets of rules, I know what it is... but... that's life after all...

Final results.
Thanks, James!

Congrats with 2nd place!
Grats Tommy, now do some proper league.

jks jks
lol, dont worry :P