The online racing simulator
practice mode - wrong way drivers autokick doesn't work !
i have drift server with this autokick option but it doesnt work in practice mode, only during qualifying and race.
Mega bump.
Why bumping this? It has been like that always,it's not a bug,it's just the way it's programmed. Since most of the servers use some kind of an insim program anyway,it can be enforced via airio/lapper if needed so badly.
"It has always been like this so that's how it should be." is a very dangerous way of thinking.

I don't see why should I use an InSim app just for one single task when the autokick command can be fixed in 5 minutes.
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :"It has always been like this so that's how it should be." is a very dangerous way of thinking.

Almost as dangerous as adding additional words to something what one has said to twist it in the way you like it. Wink

Anyway - I don't see a big problem with it. I usually have my servers set at practice mode before an event,never actually had problems with wrong way driving. Then again - I'm hosting organized events,where most visitors are civilized people with common sense way of thinking,so I might be a bad example here. Shrug
You basically used "It has always been this way" as a reason why this issue should by ignored. I don't see where's the dramatic twisting.

And I don't see a big problem with making the command work in practice mode. Indeed, you might not need it for race server because not many people will practice without having the split and lap times counted which you won't have when driving wrong way. You don't quite need that when drifting so naturally there will be more people driving wrong way in drift servers. Also drift servers and common sense don't really go well together but from my experience, race servers are not exactly idiot-free either.