The online racing simulator
Bring back OCC - differently
Hello all. OCC didn't really take off and the servers were shut down (thank you again Sam for the service and all). That wasn't a surprise given the realitevly small popularity of the servers. But i am once again fed up with AS Nationl GTR servers so this is a call for all, that think the same.

I'd like to bring back OCC but a bit differently. It would basicly become events for all of us that want to drive odd combinations. It would happen on the same day at the same time every time, weekly, bi weekly or monthly and the combo(s) would be known a week or so in advance. A couple of races would be ran, depending on the whole 'event' and the single race duration. And that's about it. Any takers? Better ideas? Anything?
#2 - Vain
So you're suggesting to turn the "have a lonely server host a lonely combo 24/7"-OCC into a "meet every friday evening and race something odd"-OCC?

Get's a from me.

#3 - troy
yep i had something like that in mind also already (basically since the bug test servers went down)
i really miss the LRF class since patch X final plus the clean racing the closed for the bigger public test patches brought with them

why not put a password on, name the server something like "lfs forum community racing"
give out the password in the forums and start weekly racing, once people notice that there is something
like that on a regular base, im pretty sure they will join

(if not just name yourself scawen or victor online and your server will be full of people in no time )
Didn't Sam already try to make a competition out of it and that failed, too?

Maybe by saying it will be the same night every week you might get more people more regularly, but on the other hand it might mean you get less people - some of us can't turn up regularly (which is why I don't do leagues).
Quote from thisnameistaken :Didn't Sam already try to make a competition out of it and that failed, too?

That might have been the odd compo club. It didn't really work for me at least.

There was also the forum race thing which died soon after it was renamed to redline Thursday fun run. But the first few event were superb.

Anyway, I've been thinking about this subject for a while too. Was about to make a thread if OCC was dead and buried but forgot, well, it seems to be, but the idea isn't and seems to be kicking well and alive.

I like the idea, and would turn up when I can. But I'm working till August on three shift job, so I my race times would be a bit random. But really like the idea of bringing OCC back in some form. I can still remember the first night we had it. It was SO sprint 1 reversed with XRG and it was a blast!

I'd say the server should be online all the time, and combo changed quite often. There could be list of combos for every two weeks or so, maybe five or so and longer races every fortnight? I'm glad to help with anything if we could get this going. But actually getting it going isn't the problem, I think it would be keeping it alive that could be hard.

As a name I would suggest ABC-association. Against Boring Combos that is.

#6 - Vain
I'd suggest to revive the spirit of the OCC as a race-evening every 5 days.
An event would be on a monday, then saturday, thurday, tuesday, sunday, friday, wednesday, monday, etc.
Not everyone is going to be able to participate in every event every 5 days, but this system offers a chance to every driver in the right timezone to have a populated server with an interesting combo every 5 days. Even if you can *only* drive on e.g. sundays the server will be back to that day of the week in 35 days.
Most importantly this increases the chance of finding a populated server. The hoster could perhaps set up a newsletter that announces the meeting in the morning of the race-day and also announces the next race-day.

If this works out one could also think about creating a parallel event with a time-table that is more convinient for drivers from other time-zones.

#7 - Jakg
I know this isn't quite the right topic, but just fyi i've set up a server called "ABC - Against Boring Combos!" running LRF+LX4/WE1R
Bit early in the day for LFS - some of us are still supposed to be working.
#9 - Jakg
yes, but rather than me hosting this on my own connection i've got my friends at UKCT to host a 47 slot dedi for me, so not only can you try it later, but with 31 other cars, not the 10 that my connection can deal with
It's also Friday though - I'll probably get dragged kicking and screaming to the pub. It's a hard life.

I do appreciate the effort though, Jakg.
Nice. there are still like-thinkers out there. We will evolve everything and cemente it in the following days.
Hi, though I'm quite new in LFS, fair racing is my goal.
I'm interesting in this OCC, in order do some regular racing on various tracks in various cars. What day and time will it be?
#13 - troy
as far as i know it isn't back until now, but if your looking for mostly good and clean racing i would check CTRA
they work with a license system there so you gain points for podiums and good finishes. that encourages
people (most of them) to drive a bit more carefully and you also got server and car restrictions for different licenses,
so the starters race on one server and the more advanced racers drive on another for example

Ok, thanks. Looks good, will try the CTRA servers
#15 - Nobo
Quote from Primoz :Nice. there are still like-thinkers out there. We will evolve everything and cemente it in the following days.

Any news on that? Since your last post is 2 month ago.
I wanted to set up a weekly event on tuesdays which either just uses the less used cars/tracks in lfs or random combos (with the probability that the less used cars/tracks in lfs appear more often), announced before the qualy.

I am already am in development stage with my team. They should be independent events starting earliest 18:00 UTC and latest 20:00 UTC

Maybe we can get this running together with you?

FPR could support the server + a server which runs an odd combo during a week.
I'd love it, on any other day The only league I'm currently in runs on Tuesdays
To be honest, i had a lazy break from LFS over the summer - unintended. I think things should get a bit more in place now in autumn, i'll have more time now (i stopped racing bikes actively) so i'll see. It would be nice if you make sort of a league.