The online racing simulator
#26 - bozo
Whilst watching a replay of Pool 4, I noticed one racer got hit from behind twice in the first 2 laps. In both cases the other driver carried on racing, whilst the racer in question lost places as he recovered his car.

In general, what should happen in these circumstances? I thought the offending driver should slow and let the offended driver re-pass. That's what I would do - but perhaps I'm too polite .

I would also like to apologise to Phoenix 127. We had a coming together on the last lap - I misjudged where on the track you would be as you brought your car back on line. Then when we sat facing each other, I kept trying to engage reverse, but ended up driving towards you. There was nothing intentional in that - I was just trying to go backwards and get back on track.
Quote from Kalev EST :I think I passed Johnathan Russ like 5 times.

You might not remember though matey....but you took a shortcut quite a few times which probably helped you out.....cheating whilst driving infront of an OLFSL staff host, I mean, bit silly, you should've waited untill you were well clear of me lol. I admit I did go off the hill infront of you twice, but I was actually underbraking whilst trying to defend you, rather than gain time. Sorry for the bump by the way, I do take the blame for that, although you could've left me a bit more room, it was obvious I was going to try to overtake as were were having a little battle, closing the door when there is room is fine, but if not room, it is best to leave space.
Listen matey... I didn´t cut or cheat anywhere! Look at the replay if you don´t believe me. I went off at the "screw eue" corner max 2 times and they were because I had left braking late and was heading for the tyres. And I certainly didn´t gain anything from it. And about the crash... The initial small touch might have been an accident and it would have been ok if you would have hit the brakes. I was only slightly sideways and probably could have corrected it but you decided to keep the power on and spin me out completely.
Quote from Kalev EST :Admin or no admin, rules still apply to everyone.

Of course, who said they don't?

Right boys, calm down.
Too many