The online racing simulator
General Conditions 24hours Aston Grand Touring [AS6r], Jan 23th 2016'
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DoP Desire of Patience Tour race proved
General Conditions ’24hours Aston Grand Touring rev [AS6r] Jan, 23th 2016

Starting Permission in general: first in - first serve

You have to do your registration directly at the BurnoutCrew LFS- DoP - SignIn Server!

Sign In Server is open
* please, take care of your common team tag. That’s important!
* the first participant / founder of a team is automaticly the teamleader and may handle some team-specific things.
The teamleader chooses the team-tag and the car-class. The car is selected by the driver doing some laps on the qualification server. Changing car won't be possible afterwards. If the team-leader leaves the team, another team-mate becomes the leader. If the last member leaves, the team will be deleted from the database.
* registered teams will be tracked automaticly. Have a look at the DoP Website
* lap times for the qualifikation will be tracked too.

The race qualifikation & server will be announced in time
for train- & qualifikation sessions

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will get the password for the mainrace in time at the DoP Eventpage

* minimum age: 16 years
* at least 100 driven laps [car and track combined]

* Aston Grand Touring rev [AS6r]

Alloweded car classes
* N- GTR (UFR / XFR)

The procedure
Main Race: on Saturday, 2016, 23 Jan 2016
* MEZ 10.00 (GMT 09.00): Server OPEN
* MEZ 11.00 (GMT 10.00): 24h Race START

* race: 24 hours
* max driver: 28 plus 4 Wildcards
(if we get more SignIn's, we will open some more grids)
* no lag lap and no restart
* pitstop and changing driver is allowed
* yellow and blue flag are to attend
* tidy driving in the pitlane
* in general: one Admin is on the server

* the Qualifikation would be announced in time
* each driver has to do a qulalify lap
* each driver is limited to an amount of 10 laps, inclusive in- and out-laps (laps will be counted after first split)
* the average team time is used for qualify. No qual-lap results in a lap time of 3:00.000
* the final results and classifications may be viewed here: DoP Eventpage

The 'BurnoutCrew' Tracker:
Will automaticly list all registered teams and racers for this event.

The 'BurnoutCrew' Lapcounter
This Tool is relevant for the final results at the end of this race. Two Lapcounters are tracking your race. One counts your driven laps ingame and displays the quantity you have reached and your current position (the LfS positions may be incorrect if you think of disconnects and surely mutiple grids) directly on your screen. The second will be hosted on the DoP Eventpage for external views, so your teammates and other visitors could get a quick summary of this race event.

Disconnect / Re-joins
There're many reasons for disconnects and we don't whant to distroy a race of fun for you. So, reconnects will be allowed. Of course you're losing a lap in lap-counter. That's it.
After reconnect you have to act carefully with blue flags. Admins may punish you for ignoring a blue flag caused by a faster/leading team. Others may be ignored. Unfortunetly there is no way to prevent LfS programmaticly from showing the blue flags. So it's up to you, to fit the rules of racing...

The Appreciation
It is only a team competition. The total number of driven laps decides the final placements. This is determinded by the Lapcounter. If there are two, or more teams in the same lap after race end, the first finish decides for winning this event. Penalties: The Admins could judge immediately about penalties; for example: crossing the pitlane, unfair actions, permanent ignoring blue flag and so on. The penalty scale could be ‘Drive through’ or ‘Stop and go’ und must fit in the next following three laps!

The BurnoutCrew organizes this Event. We will decide about necessary adjustments if needed. There will be no privileged participation.
Training Sessions
* Dez 28th 2015
* Jan 4th, 2016
* Jan 11th, 2016
* Jan 18th, 2016
* Jan 21th, 2016 (90min Race)
* announced in time
* Aston Grand Touring rev [AS6r]
Alloweded car classes
* N- GTR (UFR / XFR)

The procedure
* MEZ 19.00 (GMT 18.00): Server OPEN
* MEZ 19.45 (GMT 18.45): Qualify
* MEZ 20.00 (GMT 19.00): Race START

* race:1 hour [Jan 21th, 2016 (90min Race)
* max driver: 28 plus 4 Wildcards
* no lag lap and no restart
* pitstop and changing driver is allowed
* yellow and blue flag are to attend
* tidy driving in the pitlane
* in general: one Admin is on the server
Why not Rockingham?
Quote from Brilwing :Why not Rockingham?

Because this was planned for Aston a while back and people would have started practicing already. They wouldn't change it now.
Still a month time to practice,but well,it's always choise of organisation team.
I guess then someone else has to be first to make Rockingham endu race...
Quote from liv4eva :Because this was planned for Aston a while back and people would have started practicing already. They wouldn't change it now.

And the Rockingham Tracks are even to short for a distance for a 24 hours endurance
#7 - pik_d
Is there a list of who's signed up already?
#8 - troy
It makes no sense to drive the 24 hours all alone but with two drivers it's ok. Normann and I did it two years ago.

There is another constellation as well. You could sign in with a single LfS-Account and change drivers physically. So yes, you can race alone if you want Smile We as the organisation team can't really check whether your driving all alone or not.
Quote from KlausAdam :It makes no sense to drive the 24 hours all alone but with two drivers it's ok. Normann and I did it two years ago.

There is another constellation as well. You could sign in with a single LfS-Account and change drivers physically. So yes, you can race alone if you want Smile We as the organisation team can't really check whether your driving all alone or not.

ThanksBig grin
DoP - Grid 1 server got a password, can't join it Looking
Details for the first Trainrace.
Thx Ole for your admin support


Die BurnoutCrew:
Am 28.12.2015 startet der 1te Trainingslauf zum Rennen für die DoP2016,
Es wird mit de2 NGT auf dem Kurs von 24hours Aston Grand Touring rev [AS6r] gefahren.
Wir hoffen auf eine zahlreiche Anmeldungen von euch!

* Termin: Montag, 28.12.2015
* Fahrzeug(e): N- GTR (UFR / XFR)
* Strecke: 24hours Aston Grand Touring rev [AS6r]
* Renndauer: 2 Hour
* Servername: DoP- Grid1
* Serverpasswort: dopas
* Training: ab 19:00 - 20:00 Uhr
* Qualifikation: 20:00 - 20:25 Uhr (Qualifikation von 15 Min.)
* Rennstart: 20:25 Uhr (Plusminus 5 min.)
* Fahrerzahl: Ein Server max. 40 Fahrer (bei über 40 Anmeldungen wird auf zwei Server aufgeteilt)

Wer will kann auch gerne ins BC-TeamSpeak kommen, es ist extra ein Channel dafür angelegt die
*IP lautet:

Bitte meldet Euch direkt unter dem Thread an, wenn Ihr am Trainings-Rennen teilnehmen möchtet.
Gastfahrer sind immer herzlich willkommen!


The BurnoutCrew:
The first trainings-race of the DoP2016 will be held on 28.12.2015
The NGT will be driven at Aston Grand Touring rev [AS6r] and we hope for many sign-ins from you!

Details for the race:
* date: Monday, 28.12.2015
* car: N- GTR (UFR / XFR)
* track: Aston Grand Touring rev [AS6r]
* race-length: 2 Hours
* LfS-server: DoP- Grid1
* password: dopas
* training: from 19.00h until 20.00h (German time!)
* qualification: 20.00h until 20.15h (German time!) ( qualification of 15 min.)
* start of the race: 20.25h (-+ 5 min, German time!)
* drivers: max. 40 on one server (In the case of more than 40 sign-ins, the field will be splitted onto 2 servers)

Who wants to, may join the seperate channel of the BC-TeamSpeak:

s directly in this thread, please!
Guest-starters are always welcome!
Quote from Webflat :
* Termin: Sonntag, 28.12.2015

Details for the race:
* date: sunday, 29.12.2015

Monday, 28.12.2015
is there still time to enter?
Yes, for the race on monday as well as to the 24 hours race in january.
Ok, I will see about assembling a team for the race.

Quote from Webflat :* max driver: 28 plus 4 Wildcards

Why this? Not sure if it will be ever filled,but with custom grid now it's possible to make 40 car grid in every track. If done so,I would suggest also add 40 pit start points to make sure cars after original 32 don't get spawn on grid when just joining from garage. (adding aditional pitstop stalls will disable whole original pitlane including speed limit,so probably you don't want to make these)
If we got more than 28 teams / sign ins, we can discuss this. Really no problem then Thumbs up
If you need commentry for the stream. I can help.
Thanks for that offer! We will only provide a stream without commentry, but if you like you could do this part. That could be a big one for the viewers.
Where is Dave cargame? I'm sure he'd enjoy doing this too.
I'm more than happy to help out with a stream when I'm not driving. I'll be providing an onboard stream when I'm in the car too.