The online racing simulator
Season 1 - Round 3 Kyoto GP Long
(50 posts, closed, started )
I think the rule should allow each driver to make 1 error. But, Misko, everyone needs to learn to drive it again then, so it's the same for everyone.
#27 - Vain
But learning it new creates errors. Flips. Havok.

I'd like to finish the race.

Well, we're already driving around the yellow-blue speedbumps to avoid damage, and if we miss few times and actually go over them we get a little damage but its still ok. We pay the price when car doesn't behave perfectly anymore and we get longer pitstop to repair that. So I don't think we need any more worries than that. Rule #3 means we have to worry about keeping wheels on the tarmac and fear how Scoop will interprete that (and also fear not to roll over like Vain said, though I haven't experienced that in that chicane in UFR).
I agree on the weird chicane rule. I'm sure no-one comes out unharmed if he does it wrong more then two times... been there before, myself.

Anyway, unfortunately we'll also have to withdraw our XFR team due to lack of drivers. Again, good luck in the race everyone.
as far as i can read u all say cuting the chicanes damages youre suspension and you are not gona do it in race, so what's the probleme with the rule?

And to make it clear a penalty will be isued if we see a driver constantly cuting the chicanes and gaining advantages, those who go over the speed bumps by mistake will be let off of course
The problem with the rule is if we make a mistake and end op doing it then you get a dt for it.
Quote from B11TME :The problem with the rule is if we make a mistake and end op doing it then you get a dt for it.

He just said he wont penalize mistakes, only intentional systematic cutting.
Quote from Rumiko :He just said he wont penalize mistakes, only intentional systematic cutting.

My point is how is he going to know if it was a mistake or not? If i do it 10 time in my stint how many drive throughs do i get for that lol.
#1 Race has been postponed for 2 hours (race starts at 16:00 CEST) so that ppl can watch F1

#2 B11TME if u do it by mistake i can see it late braking sliding a bit if u do it on pourpose lap after lap then u're gona get a DT
the corner is hard to judge...If i run wide i get a dt. Heh i think thats a little stupid.
U do youre job and i will do myne and i won't penalise at every single cut if i see smthn suspiciouse i'm gona watch for a few laps to see if it was a mistake or if youre doing it on pourpose
My job is trying to go fast and you job is stopping me from doing that or making me worrie about doing it No matter
Youre job is to keep the car on the track and not on the speed bumps :P
#39 - agor
TeamXFR car FZR #26
is about to retire before the start, coz medical problems so we are unable to do the race.Also we don't have any reserve and we will miss the race

U have a nice race illepall
sorry to hear that u are still free to find a back-up driver anywhere if u want and if u do just anounce him here (this goes for all the teams that have driver prob atm u can find any driver, but not any n00b, just anounce him and u can race)
Scoop, problem is your deffinition of cutting. What is black stuff????
Updated Drivers:

Vincent ''Vince'' Staal
JP ''JeeP"' Feil
It seams that some ppl just don't get the chicane cuting rule and i'm tired of explaining so i'm removing it u can cut all u like
What I'm saying is the curbs that are usually used as part of the track, like in this case. We drive with 4 wheels on the curb and NOT hit the speedbump. By your deffinition that still means cutting.
just do what ever u want on those curbs now let's move on any other questions?
Race starts in 30 min be there

Edit: 10 minutes to go
#47 - Vain
Great race everyone!

I'm glad my teammate managed to join on time so we won't recieve a penalty.

But on a different matter: Was the "don't cut the pit-exit line from neither side"-rule also removed or was it still in effect?

it was still in efect but i didn't see anyone cuting
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