The online racing simulator
Round 5: Race Discussion
Discuss the Race here.

It's at Fern Bay Rallycross Reversed (FE5R)

20 Minutes Qualifying
Race 1 is 8 laps
Race 2 is 11 laps
Race 3 is 14 laps.

Quote from dekojester :Discuss the Race here.

It's at Fern Bay Rallycross Reversed (FE5R)

20 Minutes Qualifying
Race 1 is 8 laps
Race 2 is 11 laps
Race 3 is 14 laps.


all i can say is . WIN
So after NDR quiting administrating this cup, it is over?
I don't know, maybe me and Chris will take over it, yes Mr.Wilko? :rolleyes:
Quote from n-murray :The cup is definity going to continue.

I think that we, drivers of this cup, need more certainties that this cup is really going to continue.

NDR has been withdrawing of the series, as well as the46, you won't be there tonight, and Andy hasn't been around for days, so who's gonna do the basic adminning stuff, tonight? Will you just let the drivers join the server and let them start the official sessions by themselves?

Honestly, this is getting ridiculous now.
where the server password?
the46 haven't pulled out, only I have.

Regarding admins, there aren't going to be any tonight, as both Niall and Andy are on holiday.

Good luck guys
O.K. guys, I will take over the admining of tonights race unless someone turns up.

As I don't have time to send a PM, server name and password will be the same as last rounds. PLEASE! turn up, tonights round IS still going ahead.


Niall's saviour.
Yupp. Thank you so much Chris Wilkinson Im sending a PM around to everyone :P
Mate, you're a legend, cheers
Thanks for helping out Yannick and Wilko.
Cars 22 and 05 have been given 30 second penalties for their actions in the final race.

Replays will be posted as soon as I can be bothered.

EDIT: Broadcast is now up OD
Yup, on-demand edition is now available. Thanks to those who watched and thanks to those who raced. It was fun.

PS: Who's doing points tables?
Niall is doing everything else. I was just there for the race as he couldn't be bothered to get cover.
Great race Yanick and Chris Good work
Was a pretty nice race considering the small amount of racers in the event. I hope there will be more of us next time
Quote from Wilko868 :Niall is doing everything else. I was just there for the race as he couldn't be bothered to get cover.

Excuse me chris, I clearly stated that I wouldn't be available for race and I thought andy was gona be there so I wasn't that much bothered to organize more people. When I heard andy wasn't gona be home in time I searched in lots and lots of pubs and restauraunts for the Internet to try get someone to admin, I asked deko if he would be kind enough to do it just for this round after all of the comotion the past week and there was no reply so I asked a few others and they were busy and then my credit ran out on the computer and I had no more money so I couldn't get anyone.

Thank you for doing it but we would apretiate it if you didn't go around telling people to be angry at us after all of the stuff me and andy done for you the past few months.
Well seemingly you couldn't. I wasn't going to dissapoint the 5 or 6 people that turned up was I? I did that as a big favour, and I was simply stating that I was only there for the one event as I was getting requests.

Thank you for giving me a big thanks for saving your arse.

EDIT: DONE FOR ME?!?! What the hell have you done for me?

Guys, don't start epic flamewar again... :rolleyes:
Quote from TexasLTU :

Guys, don't start epic flamewar again... :rolleyes:

Yep, it makes all of you much more pathetic than you actually are :rolleyes: