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S3 licensed

* Qualify is still possible till this thursday CET 19:00 (GMT 18:00)
* SignIn is still possible till this thursday CET 16:00 (GMT 15:00)
* Each team has to do at least one qualify lap!
* Close your teams, if you want (The Leader has this option)
* If you have unkown drivers in your team, the leader could kick these mates

Race permission denied:

* Teams without a driven qualify lap!
* Single drivers (it is a teamevent)
* For this race: "wYk Racing"

Main Race: 2nd Race / Nov, 26th 2009
* CET 20.00 (GMT 19.00): Server OPEN
* CET 20.30 (GMT 19.30): Race START
* race: ca. 90 min [78 laps]

Be on track 20 min before start!
Only the start driver is allowed to join the server!

For driver changes join the server as late as possible! After the change leave the server immediately to give the other team a chance for a change, as you would like to have too.
Otherwise a 'Drive-through-penalty' may be given therefore!

Race facts:
You will not win in the first lap, even not in the first or second corner!
* Respect competition and smaller car classes!
* Respect blue flag!
* Notice yellow flag!

Pit Stop:

For pit in and out notice the track layout, especially end of pitlane.
* Attention by pitting out! -> racing Line and end of pit lane are equal!
* By pitting out: respect traffic and blueflag by returning back on track!
Otherwise a 'Drive-through-penalty' may be given! Admins are on track!

In general valid:

Careless overtaking endangers other teams, so drive clean and fair!
While the whole race: Smaller car classes than yours are owner of the racing line!

It is still possible to join each of these five events. If you or your team join for the whole team compitition, your team have to sign in for each race. If you're only interest in one race - join this only.

Other Informations:
We won't have IP TV tomorrow. Xcite TV would be back on the 12h race!
You could get all main informations here, in our DoP Forum and may be here (Tracker, Standings, LFS Remote) ... /index.php?navigation=dop

Good luck and Keep Racing! Normann
S3 licensed
Quote :Team-Leaders should have a look at their teams. Some fake-drivers could have joined and have to be deleted by the team-leaders. To prevent you from fake-joins simply close the team using the Sign-In-Server.

*** -> push <- ***
2nd Race [BL1R] - Nov, 26th 2009 / Briefing and Race reports
S3 licensed

Now it's your turn to move to our qualify-server (DoP - Qualify) and give your very best to qualify for the next race.
All previously driven laps are deleted. So every driver has at least ten laps for qualify. Keep in mind, laps are counted after you pass first split, even in- and out-laps!

The Qualify-Session will end on 2009-11-26 at 18:00 (UTC +1).
The Sign-In-Server will close two hours before at 16:00 (UTC +1). After the Sign-In-Server is closed, there's no more chance to change your team!

Team-Leaders should have a look at their teams. Some fake-drivers could have joined and have to be deleted by the team-leaders. To prevent you from fake-joins simply close the team using the Sign-In-Server. If nessecary the leader may re-open it there too.

Good luck and strong nerves!
S3 licensed

Overview here, some teams missing? Plz, post your tag here! ... /index.php?navigation=dop
S3 licensed
Ehm ... there are several ways to keep you informed, if you really want:

One is direct here in the forum:

with serveral more details: ... page=Board&boardID=63

not so tricky ...
S3 licensed
As one of the LRF - Teams we have to say, fairness and skill by the overtaking N-GTR and especially the GTR Teams was really, really good, better than imagined. They came along right and left. For a while nothing happened in the own mirror, suddendly for a short moment you saw the very big FZR frontline, in the same second you were passed. Thrilling

Our race was very exciting. And we are very happy with our performance. Yes could be better, but it was our first endurance event with LX6, and it was thrilling and great. 90 minutes to go the pace up and down on AS North with the LX6. oouohooouh... Only one big mistake on my own raise to hope to be better next race and attack HoR.
S3 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Does that include the outlap?


Quote from 666MePhIsTo666 :You leave the pits, past the first split, 1 Lap down.
You begin your launched lap, cross the first split, 2 Laps Down, and so on.
Basically, if you have a 1 hotlap setup, you have only 5 hotlap attempts.

U got it
S3 licensed
From the first race last year even this qualy tool worked in four events perfectly , without any failures. Remember, crossing first split counts one qualify lap.
Aston North [AS7] / Briefing and Race reports
S3 licensed

* Qualify is still possible till tomorrow GMT 17.00
* Each team has to do at least one qulalify lap!
* Close your teams, if you want (The Leader has this option)
* If you have unkown drivers in your team, the leader could kick these mates

Requierement at least 75 driven laps [car and track combined] for each participant

Main Race: 1st Race / Oct, 29th 2009
* MEZ 20.00 (GMT 19.00): Server OPEN
* MEZ 20.30 (GMT 19.30): [48 laps] Race START
* race: ca. 90 min

Be on track 20 min before start!
Only the start driver is allowed to join the server!

For driver changes join the server as late as possible! After the change leave the server immediately to give the other team a chance for a change, as you would like to have too.

Race facts:
You will not win in the first lap, even not in the first or second corner!
* Respect competition and smaller car classes!
* Respect blue flag!
* Notice yellow flag!

Smaller car classes than yours are owner of the racing line!
Careless overtaking endangers other teams, so drive clean and fair!

For pit in and out notice the track layout, especially at the end of the pitlane. Otherwise a 'Drive-through-penalty' may be given! Admins are on track!

It is still possible to join each of these five events. If you or your team join for the whole team compitition, your team have to sign in for each race. If you're only interest in one race - join this only.

Enjoy and keep racing! Normann
S3 licensed
**** push ****
S3 licensed
Here we go: ... hreadID=3354&pageNo=1

Please keep you informed and take a short view in the organiziers forum. We could not handle in time two forums by jumping here and there, ahaed and back and so on, especially listings like starting numbers.

For that, we have announced numberplates and the links in the lfsworld news.

Don't hesitate, visit us - we try to do our best for all participants as well.
S3 licensed
Hello Teams,

if you take a look here: ... /index.php?navigation=dop
you could get a quick (and we think nice :rolleyes: ) overview of the DoP Teams.

like this

You like it, too? Plz give us your teamtag in this size 88 x 31!
S3 licensed
The 'DoP - Qualify' Server is open!
Now, it is time to do your qualifying. The laps for a good time are limited to an amount of 10 laps. The DoP - Qualify Server is open till thursday!

Using a number plate for the DoP 2010!
Many Thx to Uwe from MTX.1ST Racing. He made us a smart and dressy numberplate for the DoP 2010.
Download and number request in our forum, plz.

The first race on Aston is live!
We are very keen to present you the first race live via IP-TV. It would be broadcasted by Xcite TV,

More details, plz watch out these both following links:
DoP Details: ... page=Board&boardID=63
DoP Teams: ... /index.php?navigation=dop

And: It would be really nice, if one more LX6 team sign in for the first race. Don't hesitate by showing your skills
S3 licensed
Yes! Participation and SignIn for each of these five races. Each event scores for the team / tournament.

Quick overview is here: ... /index.php?navigation=dop
S3 licensed
Quote from 666MePhIsTo666 :I hope not... All the recent practice sessions would've been wasted.

he he ...

No balancing. If you think another car would be better, or it has been proven by practise, you can choose it.
S3 licensed
[inSim] Dop SignIn is back again.

Have a look for the signed in Teams here: ... /index.php?navigation=dop

All slots in the N-GTR Class are reserved
Open places are in the GTR and in LRF [LX6] Class
S3 licensed
The qualify decides at least for the participation, if we use one grid / server. Our tools can handle as well more grids / server, too. So it is no problem if one or more teams from one racing team would join.

The teams are not fixed by the first choosen car class. teams could change from race to race, but they will lose their results / points for already driven races.
S3 licensed
Quote from Wilko868 :I promise you, WooT Motorsports will be back!

Fight back
Desire of Patience Tour 2010 (including 24h-race)
S3 licensed
The BurnoutCrew initiated the Desire of Patience Tour as a tribute to our 5th anniversary as LFS Racing Team, last year. Now, we have our 6th anniversary and the time is come, to go on and on, or?

In 2009 we have had a nice time during these great contest with fast races and a really thrilling end with the 24h race. These are the maintain reasons for the upcoming DoP 2010. We hope you will enjoy and participate (again)!

An outline of the main points are --- >> here <<---

Alloweded car classes
* N- GTR (UFR / XFR)
* LRF (LX6 / RAC / FZ50)

That's it. If you have any questions plz feel free to join our forum at --->> Forum <<---
You have a question by joining the DoP / DoP SignIN [its a LFS Server] follow here: ... page=Board&boardID=63

Last edited by Webflat, .
DoP Tour 2009
S3 licensed
The past
S3 licensed
We have official results here: ... /index.php?navigation=dop

30 Teams with 109 driver started, 24 teams reached after 24 hours the finish!
Great! We have had a good competition i think, a very good time and we met nice and interessting teams. Well done!

The winner of the last 'DoP' Event - 24h Aston Grand Tour
Gratz to all, gratz to all who have finished. After 24h, we have only winners!

S3 licensed
Quote from jwardy :ERT Gtr is back , with 2 drivers

S3 licensed
tool works good, i think. np.

Yes there are two drivers named ERT|A.O´Brien but these are two different LFS Licence

one of it you - pacesetter
and the other is licenced by 'aobrien'

Scrolling mouse over the drivernames, you can see it, or?

The qualifikation times are matched by the middle of each driven lap time.


* each driver is limited to an amount of 10 laps, inclusive in- and out-laps (laps will be counted after first split)
* the average team time is used for qualify. No qual-lap results in a lap time of 3:00.000
* the final results and classifications may be viewed here: DoP Eventpage


Last edited by Webflat, .