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S3 licensed
whether it is possible or not, I'm looking for someone who can do for me, I have no knowledge of how to edit it, much less scripting
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Can't LFSLapper do this?

Never worked with it, but i think no... I need a new one that can get speed on determined places, etc (defined by comand like !speed1, etc)
Looking for a coder for a new insim.
S3 licensed
Hi. Im looking for a coder to make a new insim, 90% is to show statistics on the hud (DRIVER, POINTS - that i will put with some command like !currentpoint=10, POSITION IN LIST - automatic positioning by the points - SPEED AVG.)

I will pay for it for sure, so dont care about it.

Thanks, Cya!
S3 licensed
Hi!, can I try to win?

Total stats:
Travelled distance: 79453 Km
Fuel burnt: 27597 Ltr
Laps: 10443
Hosts joined: 6232
Races won: 50
Second: 48
Third: 33
Finished: 250
Qualifications: 79
Pole Positions: 10
Drags / Wins: 552 / 190
User ExternalWastegate using hacks online
S3 licensed
Replay says all.
He was using this cheat all day.
S3 licensed
Lo compré ayer, es simplemente genial, muy buen trabajo!
S3 licensed
Well, I Bought it yesterday, and it have great ping, very good service guys!
S3 licensed
I will buy one this Friday, how long they take to activate it? (I need for saturday morning :nod
S3 licensed
Yes, I saw it and i tried to modify it, but, dont works for me, or maybe, i dont know how to
[Request] Simple editable HUD
S3 licensed
I have a idea, create a insim to manage drift comps, nothing special, no drift pointer, nothing nothing, the only that i need its the following editable huds:

Small HUD superior:


Photo Example

* --> For a editable parameters, like, when the run starts, i can put the name of the driver, writting for example, !current MAHZ, and when he finish the run, i can put the points, writting for example, !points MAHZ 6.5 (So, the points, can be located on a "database"). (Ah, when i type !clear, the hud superior should be clear for the next run:P)


When a player type !results, a centered hud shows all the table of the points, example:

Photo Example

and when a players type !battles

show in a centered hud the finished battles and the winner (this results, should be editables with !result DRIVER1 DRIVER1 2 , (1 for the first driver win , or 2 for the second driver :P)) for example:

Photo Example

I have the ideas, but i dont know where i need to start to code it, (my knowledge is quite limited to develope by myself :P) if u guys want and if have free time can u start it or guide me please? :P

Best regards!
Last edited by manza47, .
S3 licensed
but, can you give me an example of Conn. into MCI.Info[i],
S3 licensed
I tried with the code, but I have 52 identical errors:
[COLOR="Red"]The name 'Conn' does not exist in the current context[/COLOR]

and 2:
[COLOR="Red"]The name 'MsgAll' does not exist in the current context[/COLOR]

I do not understand because before the code, register the parameter and does not accept
S3 licensed
now i understand. correct me if I'm wrong

Editing the coordenates x/y of:

int House5Dist = ((int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Conn.CompCar.X - ([COLOR="Red"]-12[/COLOR] * 196608), 2) + Math.Pow(Conn.CompCar.Y - ([COLOR="red"]-113 [/COLOR]* 196608), 2)) / 65536);
if (House5Dist < 4 && (Conn.CompCar.Speed / 147) <= 3)

would have the starting point of the job, only have to define other destinations (defined with coordinates) with names Conn.JobToHouse1, Conn.JobToHouse2, etc?
S3 licensed
I have returned to rebuild quickly, and it had cleared, this is what I was

I can send your MSN by private message? To improve communication. xD
Last edited by manza47, .
S3 licensed
Woow, it is more difficult than I thought, I changed some parameters of the coordinates, award, and others, but it still fails in some lines. I can not reach completion.
S3 licensed
I'm trying but it's more complicated than I thought I'm wrong all the code :gnasher:
It would be excellent to give me an example of the code so I can I edit in terms of names and coordinates to prove it works.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the info, I'll see what I can do, I hope I was not complicated.
S3 licensed
Quote from Psysim :I was asking about this ^^

exact, i haven't a idea how to accomplish the following: in a place gives the order to delivery to another specific place and win cash $$ xD. (For example, sending a package from home "A " to the house "B")
S3 licensed
What do you mean? I do not understand English very well
S3 licensed
many thanks to all, I made it work, it really is easy, photos:
My problem was simply that did not respect the right order ( (((MCI.Info[i].X / 196608) >= MINOR VALUE) && ((MCI.Info[i].X / 196608) <= HIGHER VALUE) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) >= MINOR VALUE) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) <= HIGHER VALUE) LOL
Just the only thing I need is to figure out how I can connect the workplace to work properly.
S3 licensed
Thanks, i will use the coordinates proves to me when I insert a speed trap.

Edit: I tested with the coordinates that gives the place a trap and not get it to work.

these are the coordinates and range but does not work, see:

also like to know the meaning of these numbers I've highlighted in red here
Last edited by manza47, .
S3 licensed
It is something basic about programming in C#, thanks to this, I could change some things in this InSim. But my problem arose when asked how creating and locate places and jobs in the track
S3 licensed
that's what I meant, I would see if anyone could help me learn or understand how works the InSim.
S3 licensed
someone help me?
S3 licensed
I finished setting up and translate it to my server and working perfect
But I have some questions
How do I add jobs and places of work? example: Brian's House, Pizza, etc. And as I let the players need to buy food to live? (example, Mahz bought a pizza +50 health, etc)
and how to determine the positions of places to build the layout?