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S2 licensed
Wow, man, seems you really got some skill. Looking great! Of course, now the grass looks too freshly mowed and could really do with some bad weed and things

But, even though I really like the look, I will probably not use those textures, because racing on it would feel a bit weird. Because you can see all those cracks and chuckholes, but you can't feel them. Would be kind of cool though to have one track like that with everything actually modelled
S2 licensed
And they don't even want you to send in the old one? Wow, if that's the case, I hope ppl won't start claiming they have issues and sell DFPs for some xtra cash ... And thus make Logitech change their warranty policies.
S2 licensed
hehe, hasn't happened to me for a long time - actually the last time was prepatch, I think, but I'm sure it's still possible if not easy to do
S2 licensed
Maybe some ppl should think a little more about what the typical set of racing rules has to say about this and not who _they think_ causes what in which certain situation. And, besides, sometimes ppl do break early for certain reasons, you know. Like, avoiding incidents for example, especially in T1. And I like to repeat: Nothing justifies bumping someone from behind on purpose. You simply _can't_ know what that does to the guy in front of you, or how he will react and which further mayhem this might cause.

I can't believe we even have to argue about this. It's really a no-brainer
S2 licensed
Not sure, if I'm getting what you're trying to say, cue-ball, but to me, "evening out" the classes does not mean, make all cars in one class _the same_ (except for looks). Instead it means make them all (more or less, depending on track etc.) _equally fast_ while - and here comes the important point - keeping their _individual characteristics_. So, what could possibly be wrong with that?
S2 licensed
Quote from Platinum pete :maybe so but thats 10 people at 100% courtious against 100s of people with 50% courtious.

don't get me wrong i love LFS and am happy with the racing if there are good courtious drivers on the public servers. the point is this situation is rarely happening for me anymore and its getting very frustrating to the point where i'm starting to look else where for my racing fix.

Nah, don't go just yet. It does happen for me quite often, and it has to do with the servers you choose, of course (we know that), and I'm still positive it will get better again. And as for leagues, OLFSL for example (I'm sure there are others as well) is a quite casual league. The current season has ten events and if I'm lucky, I might be able to participate in 5 to a maximum of 7 events. But that doesn't stop me from participating at all, because I'm not going for the overall win (as if I had a chance, lol), just for each individual event and the practicing in between (always a good chance to find courtious ppl who are as well practicing for the upcoming event).

And btw: Your arithmetic is wrong, I think. It's more like this :

or this, if you don't feel like reading all through it
S2 licensed
Of course, anybody who wants to do his share to feel what's needed to make LFS a little better already, can freely do so. Like Becky for example (and others too, just don't know names atm) has made some higher res concrete and curb textures, or Kid and Don have made some higher res sky textures. The devs don't have anything against it, but they chose to keep those things unofficial which I personally think is a good approach. This way, nobody can blame them if an addon is crap or causes problems and thus they don't have to dedicate their time to it. And anybody who wants to try out those addons can do so, but at own risk. I think it's good that way
S2 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :if someone brakes that early infront of me i usually push them to speed them up. i dont push them off, jsut to speed them up abit, i dont wanna get rammed myself! i will get flamed but i dont care.

now that's just about the safest way to cause a huge pilup in T1 illepall. how an experienced driver can actually say and probably do such a BS is really beyond me.
S2 licensed
From the voting it's obvious that most ppl want the classes to be more even. And in an ideal world, I guess they would be while remaining to have very different characteristics. However, let's not forget that it's not as easy as it might seem to even out the classes. Especially since LFS is still under developement and each change to the physics will affect the balance.

It's easy to say, make the FXO 60 kg heavier, put thinner tires on it, change the turbo-modelling etc. but it's not that easy to do as the next physics change might imbalance the classes again. And I think it's clear that the devs are working on the issue, it's just that they're very cautious about it, changing things step by step.

Plus: the setups can make a big difference. Take th FXR prepatch for example. It was by far the slowest car for a very long time - even for not-so-good drivers like myself. But at some time, some pretty nice setups were developed for it. And I remember that all of a sudden, I could get around AS National faster in the FXR than in the FZR.

So, I think time will tell how uneven the classes actually are (although I doubt that it will make much of a difference for the tbo class tbh), and we will get changes with the next physics patch to account for that.

(I voted for evening out the classes, btw )
S2 licensed
I'm all for a flexible solution. And I don't know anything about how those ban-lists work, tbh. So I'm just thinking from a user's perspective and I could imagine that with the SamH-solution there would be a place where all participating servers were listed and maybe - to pick up Kev's idea - classified as to how strict the banning is.
S2 licensed
Uhm sorry for not making myself clear: I was referring to the System SamH introduced here and in Fordman's thread ( He called it "Clean Servers Club" somewhere so it would be CSC
S2 licensed
So far I was of the opinion that all these complaints about wreckers, noobs etc. would really lead to nothing. I've seen those threads come up often enough in my LFS-time without anything ever becoming reality (except for CRC of course, but I don't consider that an even remotely close to perfect solution).

But with the "Clean Servers Club" it's different. It could really work imho . So don't you think it should have it's own thread with a title that is directed towards server admins? Where you could advertise the idea, explain how it works and invite admins to join? So this would really kick off in a larger scale?

If a thread like this already exists, and I just overlooked it, forget about the suggestion
S2 licensed
I aso think it was Shaun's fault. But not mainly because he rejoined before track was clear, but because he didn't back off right before the turn. Before turning in, the other guy overlapped Shaun by more than half a car length and therefore imho was entitled to use the racing line. Especially since Shaun was not quite up to normal racing speed at that time due to his incident.

When rejoining the track, I think Shaun might have moved over to the racing line a bit too quickly, but there was still just enough room for the other guy to pass him on the right. I therefore think it was a borderline move, but not quite penalty-worthy, as the other guy obviously still had time to see it coming and to react.

I'm interested to see how this was judged by the "officials"
S2 licensed
You're right, Al, but there's another active thread about pretty much the exact same thing - currently it's only five posts down
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Thumbs down for that idea.

Beginners and their occasional less-than-reasonable-behaviour are part of every online game, deal with it.

Was going to write a lengthy response but the above sums it up perfectly.

Plus: has anyone ever noticed that these threads pop up ever so often since the beginning of LFS (well, not quite but ever since I am around) and none of the "solutions" ever became reality?
S2 licensed
Well, Buddy Christ, as you can see, it's clearly a matter of opinion whether rFactor is worth it or not .

So I'll give you my opinion:

Mods and modability:
First of all, I agree with much that has been said here about the problems with mods and not having them. I personally always had troubles with games that were dependent on mods, simply because it takes a lot more effort and time to thoroughly enjoy them. I believe however, that if you're willing to dedicate that time to a sim, you might really have a lot of fun with it. Problem is of course, that you won't know if you're willing to do that before you've tried. That's a big problem, I don't have a solution for.

As was said before, installing mods is really as simple as it can be in rF, so no problems there. (Only sometimes installing a mod might mess up some files in your base install, which happened to me when installing the 1070 patch and Lienz. Was easily correected by dropping the original files in the appropriate folder, however).

Feel (Physics/FFB):
Again I agree with much that has been said about this. The default FFB settings of rF just didn't do it for me. I felt oddly detached from the road. But then I asked in the forum (major problem for me was that steering resistance didn't increase on turning in) and got quick help. I needed to change a setting in some .ini which I did. This really made FFB feel a lot better. However, I think that it should not be necessary to fiddle with some strange .ini-file in order to get decent settings. It wasn't much of a problem, though, but I think that something is not right when you have to do that.

As for physics, I can't really say if they're better, worse or just about as good in LFS. But what it comes down to for me is feel. And once i got used to the feel of rF I came to like it quite a bit.

As much as I disliked the graphics of rF at first, I now like them. I'm running it on dx8 and I can't really agree when ppl say it's rubbish when you're not using the highest settings. I even like them a little better than LFS-graphics actually. It just looks a little more real to me. However, graphics are really not important to me. But this clearly is a matter of opinion. So you'll have to decide for yourself.

Well, the PCC mod is probably one of the best mods available for rF atm. It looks great and the cars feel really good to me. Can't comment on realism, however, as I have never driven a Porsche Cup Car i real Life - but I think most ppl who comment on it haven't either.

I think the rF community is neither better not worse than the LFS-community. Might not be quite as big, but overall very helpful and, erm, just "normal". You do have some annoying fanboys just like here who will bash any other racing sim out there. But there are also, just like here, the voices of reason who try to shut those fanboys up (sometimes to no avail unfortunately). You will also find that the forum is rather strictly run, though, which I personally don't like. Warnings are handed out rather quickly, when you mention LFS as being superior to rF in any respect. Same goes vice versa, though. Posts considered flamebates will be removed in no time (as it recently happened when ppl said the rF Sauber looked much better than the LFS Sauber). So it will be almost impossible to have a conversation about the pros and cons of rF compared to another sim. So you have to be much more careful over there. That really puts me off, as I believe that a community should be allowed to take care of itself. But if you don't mind that, you'll be fine over there.

Did I forget anything? Don't know, but it doesn't matter, since noone will read my post in entirety anyway .

Edit: Of course I forgot something: AI. Naturally the rF AI is _way superior_ to the AI of LFS, and I use rF for offline play only (and therefore can't comment on netcode). And nothing beats the quick and easy pick-up-onlineplay LFS provides.
Last edited by Linsen, .
S2 licensed
Yeah, don't be too hard on Tez, guys. He mailed me and personally apologized for his substitute and for the fact that he had one. That doesn't give me the points I could have earned of course, but he's taking responsibility for it and to me that's what matters most. I still think that it's not right to have somebody else race for you without notice to the staff, but as was said before: He did not violate any _written_ rule.

Independent of this certain incident, and since the staff is thinking about implementing a new rule: I think it would be better if that rule said that substitute-racers are not allowed. For the same reasons Hallen mentioned.


S2 licensed
We used to have a very basic ranking on LFSW, do you guys remember? IIRC it was called winratio or sth like that. Just a percentage really and I'm not sure how it was calculated, but I think it just took into account 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. I hated it when I started LFS as I hardly ever made it to the podium, so my percentage was horrid . It actually kept me from joining some servers where too many ppl were faster than me. I wouldn't care anymore, but I'm still glad it's gone and don't want any of that back
S2 licensed
Quote from lowgoods :If you could have seen me in real, you wouldn't talk about cold-bloodedness for sure. Actually I was sweating through all my clothes and did not blink for at least 20 mins when being chased by filur .

I'm somehow glad to hear that, but couldn't see any of that through your helmet and racing suit .

@MrsFiendi:I'll give it a thought.
S2 licensed
Pool 5:

first the good news: the first two, lowgoods and filur, had a very exciting battle for first for at least 10 laps or so. How do I know? I'll come to that.

First the (first) bad news: unfortunately I had a major crash in the chicane on lap 1. I had slight contact with the guy in front of me (forgot who, but sorry!) and on rebound was pushed into the armco - you know that place, on the entry where the damn curbstone is - following, i highsided probably taking out half the field (soo sorry, guys, but I couldn't help it). I landed on the side but was pushed over and turned around now facing in the wrong direction. So I let everybody pass, turned around and resumed. However, my car was so badly damaged that I had to pit one lap later. I kept going, now at least 30 seconds behind the field. But I knew that what happened to me could happen to anybody. And so it did - partly. Grudd's car was obviously also damaged quite heavily, so I was able to pass him pretty soon. He later pitted but kept going.

I also kept going, soon passing driverX* who was really limping. I passed him alright for the first time. A few laps later (say, ten or so, maybe even less), I came up to driverX again, who apparently already had been lapped by the entire field. I got very close to him in the last turn before start/finish, proceeding to pull up right beside him on the straight. Being on the straight, he could keep up speed better than I would have expected, though, and I therefore overlapped his car only a little going into the tunnel. I wasn't quite sure about the amount of overlap, though, but knowing he was one lap behind me already, I assumed, he would, in case, obey the blue flags and back off slightly to let me take the racing line. What a misapprehension! I came too close to the inside, touched his car and on rebound crashed into the armco and just took off - drilling a major hole into the thin air above South City. I'm sure it's still there, go have a look!

Well, that was the end for me, I landed on the roof and went to spectate the fabulous fight for positions 1 and 2. You really have to admire lowgoods' and filur's consistency and cold-bloodedness. They were always within half a second of each other, yet made not the tiniest mistakes.

cya next race


*I left out the guys name, as I don't want this text to look like a naming/shaming-post. I actually thought, I would file a complaint at first, as I was really pissed. But seeing that I could have avoided the crash by staying further to the outside, I decided that it would be unfair to do so. But still: Knowing he was blue flagged, he should have backed off instead of putting up a fight, I think. After all, I was clearly much faster than him and I had a lot of catching up to do. I'm sure, finishing midfield would have been well possible for me.

I had to get that off my chest, I guess
S2 licensed
The Sauber will come to rFactor eventually, though. Just "not any time soon".
S2 licensed
Everybody is entitled to do whatever he likes, but I will keep telling ppl who ask just how much fuel is needed. And I will keep asking how much fuel is needed in case I don't know. I don't see what's annoying about this three line conversation:

me: how much fuel needed?
somebody: 15 %
me: thx