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S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :so it looks like I wont be racing tonight

Sorry to hear that Ant - I was looking forward to another battle with you.
S2 licensed
Minimax, can I confirm the following please?

1. Qualifying starts at 8pm BST (7pm GMT) on 18/5
2. Server will be LFSPC ?
3. No password is needed until first race starts
4. How will we know the password if we get booted and try to rejoin for second race?
5. Presume main race is 30 laps, rather than 30 mins as per PM details?

Many thanks.
S2 licensed
Quote from minimax :I need to test it tonight or tomorrow to see if people can get into it. So what time would you want

I can get online from about 9.15pm BST tonight onwards.

Tomorrow it would be from 6.30pm until kick-off.

Quote from minimax :BTW- I'll be cheering Arsenal as well

Nice one. Let's hope we'll perform on the big stage. If we do, it'll be a cracking game.
S2 licensed
Quote from bo-kristiansen :Well... some of it are actually usefull information..

I agree Bo. If I'm concentrating I can ignore the messages coming up, but it is useful to know if someone up ahead is having a problem. A 'sorry' usually means somebody may have been bumped therefore possibility to catch them. A personal best gives info about their lap times - and perhaps suggests they're pushing too hard and may soon slip up . Pitting info is useful on the longer races.

Personal preference I know, but I'd prefer to keep with the minimal message rule.
S2 licensed
Quote :Is anyone in the league going to the LFS karting event @ whilton mill?

Slightly off topic there Ant ... shameless promotion

Is there a server available for practicing the UF1 on Aston Cadet? I was looking last night and couldn't find anything. Might get a chance tonight if anyone else is online. On Wednesday night I hope everybody will be cheering on The Arsenal

Come to think of it, do we have server details for Thursday's race?
S2 licensed
Pool 7. My shortest race ever - pushed into barriers at chicane on lap 1 and flipped over

Can't wait for the replay!

At least there's 9 more races to go

EDIT: I've now watched replay - I have only myself to blame. I will write out 100 times 'do not skid when someone is close behind you' ... live and learn!
Last edited by bozo, .
S2 licensed
Fantastic Big grin

Nice idea. Can't wait for the sequel Nod
S2 licensed
I'm interested. Will depend upon the day and time. My preference would be a 8pm UK start (7pm GMT).
S2 licensed
Count me in too. It'll be a good excuse to revise my XRR setup, learn the new track, and enjoy some racing
S2 licensed
It was just a thought. You're right though ... keep it simple, and let the racing do the talking ... :rally_dri
S2 licensed
If you want to avoid all drivers from picking the same car, you could have a rule whereby a driver can only race each car in a maximum of 2 races.

That would add to the strategy somewhat, deciding when to drive each car vis-a-vis other drivers, and considering the strengths of each car on the given tracks.
S2 licensed
Glad you've got lots of interest for this Dan. It looks set to be quite a success.

If you're running the superpole qualifying before the event, it may be difficult to get everybody available for just one session. Could I suggest holding two sessions, say on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the race. Each driver would only be able to enter one qualifying session. That would go some way to getting most drivers to pre-qualify; others would start at the back of the grid in random order.

Alternatively, you could run the superpole straight after the race the previous week. That would spice up the grids a bit, but perhaps not meet your presumed objective of reducing the time required on the evening of the race.
S2 licensed
Yes, I'm interested. Sounds like a good competition. Driving less familiar cars can even the field a little.

Bear in mind this is during the World Cup (15/6 - England v Trinidad), which may affect attendance.

It may be an idea to have a practice session a few days in advance of each race evening, to give those people who could make it a chance to get used to the car and to try different setups. I guess it would depend upon the availability of a server, and it might be too much of a commitment for those racing in other leagues / interested in football!

If you would like any organisational assistance, give me a shout.
S2 licensed
Yahoo! Nice one AtomAnt

I need a Sunday race fix also, and luck would have it that you've chosen the car/track combination that I was practicing with for the first time last night. Mind you, I'll need a bit more practice to learn to drive the track without risking a flip - those kerbs are mean.
S2 licensed
Thanks Disciple for the replay.

I was interested to see my first corner incident from the other driver's perspective. I can see now that he would not have seen me coming up the inside, even though I was nearly level on the approach to the corner. Thankfully it was just me affected by the slight coming together
S2 licensed
Thanks for all the effort put into this series, OLFSL admins & staff.

Pool 3 was a hoot today. I was expecting to make up places as people in front spun, but everybody was just so consistent

I think I spent most of the race defending my place, first against Solar until he dropped back, then Faikez who twice managed to squeeze through, and finally Blackout. The LX4 can be made quite wide when the need arises

This league was my first trial at online racing, and I'm hooked! I'm looking forward to the next series.
Last edited by bozo, .
S2 licensed
Just a thought which I'm sure not everybody will be in favour of, but one improvement suggestion would be the use of a rolling start.

On a number of tracks trying to safely get around the first couple of corners is quite a challenge from a mid-grid position. Many people seem to be quite determined at this stage of the race, and with everybody bunched so closely trying to avoid an incident can be somewhat difficult.

A simple rule would be to not allow overtaking on lap 1. It would be easy to administer, as the stats will show the order at the end of the lap. Additional rules would be needed to cater for people who spin or cause a crash on that first lap, but that shouldn't occur often given the calibre of drivers we have in the league

On the plus side, as we see in F1 following a few laps with a pace car, the cars will be strung out a bit at the start of the second lap, but with suitable skill a driver can position themselves to make up a place or two with good judgement on the approach to the start line.

I'm sure some people will not like the suggestion, as it is not used in the racing that most of us watch (except Nascar and Indy? (it's not called Indy anymore is it )), but might be worthy of consideration.
S2 licensed
I enjoyed the race on Server 2. Very good practice for next weekend, but also fun in itself.

Does anybody have a replay of the race? I had a small incident on the first corner. I'm not sure whether I should have given way, or was correct in sticking to my inside line. I sustained some damage, but after a couple of laps I got used to the way the car handled.

Anyhow, I'd prefer to have a clean start to the race on Sunday, so if anybody did get the replay I'd be very appreciative. It's a good way to learn.
S2 licensed
I had a bad race in pool 3. I didn't give Powerslave enough space when he was recovering from an incident on the final corner of lap 1, moved wide to avoid him and got caught by Ant (UK), which sent me rearwards into the kerb. End of suspension and race! My fault though . Thankfully nobody else was damaged.

I have enjoyed many practice sessions on NASSA though, for which I would like to thank the organisers and fellow racers. I've only been racing with LFS since the tail end of 2005, so each car and track in OLFS is new to me. This makes the practice sessions more necessary for me than most.

LX4 looks sensitive. I can see there being a few spins in the races, but at least the run off areas are huge
S2 licensed
Hey Tim, when are you going to let me pass you instead of disconnecting every time I get close?

I had no fps issues either. I was in there to enjoy ... and look forward to reviewing the replays to try to understand why there was so much carnage ...