oh well ... luckily I bought GTA IV so that patches up
the need for new cars / tracks ... a little
I've been giving LFS a long break, as I personally didn't
and still don't get the joy from it since the latest physics
change ( Patch Z ? )
I neved could found the solution for the uber-twitchy
handling ( I bought DSP and didn't like it at all, so I'm still
driving with the trusty old red Momo )
The FOX still has the same feel like it did, but the road cars ...
I don't know ... I've fiddled with all the settings regarding to
steering / Fov etc... but still.
I know it must be about adapting my driving style too ( and possibly the only 260 degrees turning momo )
So for me it's not a bad thing to wait if theres going to be
some magical cure for that too at some point the next year
Oh, and if it turns out to be loose screws , don't tighten them too much, as it will result as a very stiff steering, and you have to do it all over again.
And last thing ... I would have never quessed it would be the loose screws causing the problem without Mr. SparkyDave ( Thanks ! )
I copied the whole LFS folder and pasted it to my documents ... nope . Then tried C:/Games/ Lfs ...
Tried to run as administrator .. nope ... in XP sp2 compatibility mode ...
I just want to be sure, as I don't remember if one can just
copy the whole lfs-folder and paste it to a new location without
any problems, ( I mean having two lfs S2 Y - folders @ the same time, without the need to unlock the 2nd one etc.)
( I think it works fine, but I just want to double check )
Well my LFS - folder is ok ( named LFS S2 Alpha Y in the program files folder) and it contains all the normal subfolders. including
the data folder, of course. LFS works correctly.
I've tried install FlipCams from my document, and also from program files, and LFS-folder ... same error message
I have a feeling , that it is either a bug, or Vista ...
I bet my money on Vista
It's 32-bit Home Premium version
Never the less Flipcams IS a good add-on. If I only could get it installed, that is ...
So Help still needed.
" I am bored of all the content in LFS. I know every corner and have raced every car I am interested in. I want a new challenge. Make of that what you will, but thats how I feel. " - Becky Rose
I finally have reached the point, where I must agree with
opinion like Becky's ... so +1