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S3 licensed
Show your parents how realisitic LFS demo is. Show them all the things you can adjust on the car and pursuade them it will teach you everything you need to be a mechanic when you finish school
S3 licensed
I used to get exactly the same graphical glitching in GTR so it's not certainly not an LFS bug. I upgraded the graphics card since then and never noticed the problem since in any game.
S3 licensed
I had similar problem leaving the garage...
S3 licensed
LFS continues to improve...
S3 licensed
Thanks for this awesome update. LFS has just put itself yet another lap in front of the competition!
Have a great Christmas and take a well earned rest LFS devs!
S3 licensed
Just want to say big thanks for this great new patch! I just got a G25 wheel and the addition of realistic starts couldn't have been better timed for me. Now the race starts feel totally realistic with the clutch and shifter and having to react to the lights
S3 licensed
I hope that none of the cars in LFS ever have PAS. It would ruin the feel of the cars because we rely on the feedback in LFS much more than we do in real life.

I like PAS on some cars but in a computer racing sim where we have no G-effects, I think it is ESSENTIAL to feel the forces of the steering.
Last edited by jamesgp2viper, .
S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :Yes, you can give cars other engines by for renaming for example FZR_default.eng to XFG_default.eng, wich means the GTi will sound like the FZ GTR or anything you want, worth experimenting with. Back up your engine folder.

It will only change the sound though, the engine specifications still remain the same.

Not true. The editor only allows you to 'colour' the tone of the engine sound. Remember that the LFS sound is generated from the frequency and magnitude of each combustion inside the simulated engine.A 4 cylinder engine won't sound like a V8 no matter what settings you change. Try swapping the XFG eng file with the LX6 and you will find that the LX6 still sounds more like an LX6 than an XFG.
S3 licensed
In real life I'm pretty certain most race cars would run as larger wheel diameter as possible so they can fit bigger brakes. Normally the technical regulations tell the teams what the maximum width and diameter is and that is what is used by all teams in most cases. I don't see why one car is allowed 19" rims.

The only thing I can think of is that the XRR is front engined and rear wheel drive so needs bigger brakes at the front than the 4WD FXR (engine aids braking on front wheels) or the rear engined FZR.
S3 licensed
I did the ARDS test at Thruxton in 2005. The theory is pretty basic stuff and they go through it in the briefing anyway. Just make sure you know the meaning of all the flags and the rest in common sense.

The driving part is not as easy as you might expect. First and foremost, you will be in an unfamilar but usually very fast car and you will have to get used to it very quickly. I was in an RX-8 and having not even driven a RWD car before I was a bit nervous. For my test there were cones to mark the racing line, not just the usual entry/apex/exit markers. Also the instructor will tell you how to drive and you must listen and do everything that he tells you. Even if he says take a hairpin in 4th gear thats what you have to do to pass. I had to use only 4th, 5th and 6th gear cos they didn't want the engine to be revved I guess.

Anyway I passed it but wasn't fun experience because I hate being told what to do.
Last edited by jamesgp2viper, .
S3 licensed
Quote from SimonT :Do you ever get this when racing in say a 10 car race

You get the guys who are always at the front. Usually one car will always walk away with the race and a couple more cars battle it out for 2,3,4.

Towards the back of the pack you get the slow drivers and the people who spun out at turn one.

Then you get the midfield racers!

Every race I seem to do its always just me. In the middle of the field (5th or 6th) and no one to race against! Too slow for the fast guys and to fast for the slow guys!

Gets frustrating sometimes!

I'm surprised you find nobody to race against, as in most races the midfield is where most of the best close racing happens. Not to blow my horn but last night I got frustrated because I was winning most races without being challenged by anyone. I would rather had been in your situation then at least have something to aim for. I'm not saying I'm the greatest, there are literally hundreds of faster drivers than me, but what I mean is you should be making the most of what LFS has to offer the average racer
S3 licensed
Quote from nilo :Just click on the small "S" buttons on the right to export the default sounds.

Thanks! I somehow didn't notice it was that simple! illepall

This is a real breakthrough, there really is nothing stopping us from making killer engine sounds
Last edited by jamesgp2viper, .
S3 licensed
Is the default exhaust pulse sound available? I would like to apply a mild overdrive distortion to the default wave to make the race cars sound a bit more beefy, without resorting to clipping.
S3 licensed
Quote from Slopi :What tire pressures are you using? The harder your tires, the easier it is to slide the car, but they also heat up faster.

Tyres should heat up slower, not faster when using higher than normal pressures. At least in real life that is what happens because the tyre has less contact with the road and also does not scrub as much.
S3 licensed
Anyone remember Viper Racing? That game had the best most realistic contact between cars! It's hard to explain, but it gave the impression the bodywork of car was made of solid metal, where LFS feels like the car is a sponge.
S3 licensed
In that fav car poll the LX6 is the winner. So it is funny that you never hardly see a server full of people racing them.

Things are getting better though now we have STCC servers that alternate the track every so often. I hope by the time I get my bronze licence there is a STCC server for LRF cars though, not just boring same old TBO. With a field of experienced drivers, LX6 vs RAC can actually make for some great races

I guess not everyone here has been racing LFS as long as me (S1 demo test)
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :As said, the in-game driver could move the hand on the shifter when the estimated shift time is closer. Same with handbrake

S3 licensed
I don't race that often so it's no big deal but just thought it was a bit harsh, especially when in other races people rammed me off at turn one many times and they never got banned.
Banned from all STCC servers, why?
S3 licensed
I can't access any STCC servers anymore, after I was kicked from one when I made one mistake. I am not a wreaker. I did not realise my wheel was turned one full turn to the right so when the race started of course the car veered right and hit another car. I am sorry for this error but I am not known to be a bad driver and have raced in several leagues in various sims and I am known to be a clean racer.
S3 licensed
If the engine exhaust sounds had overdrive distortion applied to them, they would sound almost perfect IMO.
S3 licensed
Quote from xaotik :If in IRL you mean on a TV broadcast or an incar video then yes, very likely you would have clipping, although nowadays it seems that limiters are usually applied.

Actually no. Compression would actually have the opposite effect of what you describe - it would make the volume seem louder without causing clipping. Using compression as a limiter is generally a good idea, getting it to properly compress the sound and give priority to certain frequencies is a different story.

Clipping is just distortion, unecessary and very annoying in the digital medium. If you want loud sound that will cause your ears to bleed and your neighbors to scream then just get a bigger soundsystem and crank it up. Personally I wouldn't want to listen to distortion when playing on large speakers - it would just be loud distortion while it should be loud sound. Causing clipping on purpose to make it "sound loud" when played at lower volume is surely not the way to go.

Totally agree.

I would like LFS to have some kind of compression to prevent clipping. However it is something that would take a lot of time to implement correctly and it's not that important issue.

I must also say, I'm very impressed with how the sound engine has been improved so much in just a few days. It's really come such a long way and I think I can honestly say LFS has the best sounds of any racing sim now. A week or two ago I would have said it had the worst!
S3 licensed
Just wanted to share my thoughts about the new sounds.

The gearshift and transmission sounds are a welcome additions and add to the immersion. The gearshift sounds are very nice, but should be tad quieter for the road cars. The transmission sounds could be improved. When the car is maintaining constant speed it should make a sort of 'shaky' sound. Also the sound should be more 'rougher' when using engine braking.

The engine sounds are quite a difference to before. I'm not sure if I prefer them or not. They sound more organic I suppose. The main things I noticed are the way the sound changes as the throttle is opened and closed. Especially with the LX6. I'm very impressed with this and it sounds very real. However the race cars just don't sound 'throaty'. They are too smooth. No racing sim (not even GTR) makes that distinctive rasp that an unsilenced exhaust when you open the throttle but I'm hopeful LFS will be the first to achieve this.
S3 licensed
There's absolutely no point in holding up a car trying to lap you. The longer you hold a faster car behind you, the more time you lose yourself.
S3 licensed
The grass has the right amount of grip already. It's exactly how it is in reality when you get on the grass.

If you think otherwise, you obviously haven't driven on a race circuit and felt the difference when you touch the grass when already cornering at the limit.
RallyX Driving Guide
S3 licensed
General tips:
  • First and foremost, forget scandinavian flick and handbrake turns because in LFS rallyX you must be ultra smooth if you want to be quick.
  • Use all the track, and then some. When you are on the loose stuff you should never just drive straight. Always begin setting the attitude of the car for the next bend as soon as you exit the previous turn.
  • Always keep a little throttle on. If you don't the car will lose all momentum and will understeer. As a rule of thumb you want to leave about 20%-40% throttle as you enter each corner. If the car is turbocharged you may need even more throttle to keep the momentum going.
  • On the loose stuff, you can trail brake into corners a lot. On tarmac sections however, try to brake in a straight line.
RWD specific tips:
  • Don't powerslide too much. You can drift the car as you enter a turn but try not to let the tail step out of line as you accelerate out of a corner.
FWD specific tips:
  • Be careful on the tarmac with your gravel tyres. You can overheat them easily if you wheelspin.
  • Don't be tempted to move the brake bias too far back in your setup, because you will find the rear tyres wear out very quickly and unevenly causing blowouts.
4WD specific tips:
  • Experiment with left foot braking. Using throttle and brakes together can help improve turn in and allow you to hold a tighter line. Also it keeps the turbo spooled up and ready to launch you out of the corner.