Yes BC2 is Bad Company 2, and Moh is just cheap shit compared to Bad Company 2 how on earth can you even argue about that.
Watch this video infantry and vehicle fights while on moh you have only infantry fight and sometimes one cheap tank that´s just loud and not able to do anything on the battlefield.. Just a cod clone with killstrikes but without prone..
Moh is okish but it just lacks too much compared to Bad Company 2. Bad Company itself is also lacking the big mapsizes and high player count, but BF3 will bring that back to the Battlefield.
If somebody needs a promo code for existing member, I have one but it seems your account have to be inactive if you want to use it, so I can´t use it and it is only valid until 15.05.2011 (my account expires on 17.05.2011 bad timing for me)
If somebody is interested in giving iRacing a shot I have a promo code for new Members (or new accounts) 3 months for 10$. Just write me a PM and Ill send you the code (valid until 15.05.2011) and my email address so you can put me in as referral.
well it´s not my fault that some people feel personally insulted if you say the game they like have some flaws. Be realistic and dont behave like I insulted your mother just because I said the sr needs work.. Don´t tell me everything is working perfectly fine when it is not.
It´s like telling an police officer you got robbed and then he telling you everything is fine tomorrow you can earn more money when you go to work again. That is just stupid and that is exactly what The Moose did with his: "works perfectly well."
No it´s not perfect and it would be good if the iRacing people improve it further (there is room for improvement) if they want to keep it. There are flaws and it shouldn´t be that difficult to understand that..
But some can´t live with somebody posting that, so they keep repeating themself like stupid children oh oh you are a noob if you can´t level up while I already said I never said I can´t level up of course I can (and already did) but there are still things I would like to see improved..
I did read that part, but it´s not enough info over there I already explained ->here<- why. But I do know that you are to stupid to understand it so I don´t expect an answer from you.
Haha talking to you two asslicker I rememberd the "Human Centipad" from Southpark where the person in front takes a shit and the second have to eat it, and then when the second takes a shit the third eats his shit. You two are obviously the ones eating it.
Thx this is really interesting, to bad the numbers in simracing are this low. If it would have been at least as much driver as are in the mX5 season in the F1 season that would be nice. But we could just dream about numbers as high as in multiplayer egoshooter where are games with over 50.000 people online at primetime every day. :/
you little faggot you I´ll check it out later/tomorrow when the iRacing page comes back online again and give you then an answer.
There I can see that if I have class B and SR of 4 I can race the F1 Race from class A. So racing the higher A class is also enough to get my needed 2 races for class B to level up to A. Luckily I have already the FW31, to bad just like in LFS the interest in the Formula 1 car dropped very fast (Formula Fun). I hope at least in class A are enough people racing the F1.
well what 2 cars were you talking about one C and one A to level up to A from D.
I already explained that to wilko and if you are not an idiot you should be able to understand it..
Calling you a troll wasn´t to insult you just to explain to you that you are for me just some guy on the internet with who I don´t want to share any personal information. I do realise that maybe in that part the people from uk with cams everywhere are a little bit different with privacy but well not everybody lives in the uk..
well on the iRacing page was under MPR that I have to drive 2 class D races when I remember right. But if you have a Link to a full explanation you could post it so I will check it out..
I kinda like to not post my personal informations on the internet. I know it may sound crazy to you but I also don´t put nude pictures of me on the internet.
I was surprised that iRacing just took my name from my billing info and put it as my racing name. Well I can´t change that but don´t see a reason to spread it any further..
I have already D and I think I also needed to buy an D car so the system allows me to level up to C (needed two races in D), don´t I need a car for B to level up to A?
@The Moose
yeah sure I am going to post my real name on some forum so some troll can check if I am a good enough driver. Oh mate..
The problem is I a am mature, so childish talk don´t work on me.
well it´s not bad, I like the accurate and real tracks, and the gfx are a little bit better then LFS (at least the cars). But the business model is really bad. If I could level up without buying cars and tracks I don´t like I would have already leveld up. But now I am just unsure if it pays off. So could be that we never see eatch other in iRacing.
But even if we would see each other on the track I am insulting people that behave like idiots crash me or just repeat the same shit over and over again without even understanding that it doesn´t make sense what they write after reading what I have written. But on track I am a fair driver as long as you don´t crash me on purpose..
lol so much dumb people, who said I can´t get out of the rookie series? I never said that, I just said there are massive mistakes in the system. To not see that you must be a real idiot.
nah it´s not SR it´s just the business model where you feel ****ed over every time you buy some shit from the game and lack of interest in the game.. Buy Cars and tracks I don´t want just to level up? Pretty shitty lol.
Just get rid of the sr let the people race what ever car and track they want use the irating, qualification or what ever to decide who is racing against who.. No problem with that..
Take what we have now and add some things, of course it also will not be perfect but it will be better then what we have now. For example if somebody loses control over his car and then spins into somebody the guy got hit don´t get a punishment. If somebody is getting lapped he is the only one who gets punished what ever happens. Some people try really to block and fight the guy lapping them while they see the ****ing blue flag.. I just had such and idiot he hit me twice in row that is twice "car contact 4x" within seconds.. I still managed to get an +0.03 somehow out of the race..
Oh sry I didn´t know that you are brain-damaged so you are not able to understand what you read. I am really sry for giving you such a hard time. Oh ok everything is fine if I get punished for someone crashing into me that is also perfectly fine everything is fine The Moose. Everything will be ok, little TheMoose.
that is still a stupid comparison, it doesn´t matter how much people repeat it.. It still stays a dumb comparison.
" Plz do me a favour and stop this crazy argumentation it is really so dumb, SR is not = money loss it´s fia adding some crazy punishment for the guy who just got crashed by a mistake of another driver.. "
not when you want to level up on one or two days. Then you have too look for the sr.. And no I don´t care if you think you shouldn't´t level up in one day.. Situation like this just show that it is not working perfectly well..
yeah people listen to anttt69 if you don´t want to listen to me.
Of course I understand why it is how it is, but there is still room for improvement. I don´t race that much, I get bored and now before the promotion I thought hell why not level it up.
I know that but that doesn´t help me lol.. I don´t care if some other guy gets even bigger punishment.
In iRacing and real life you have los of position trough the incident and the damage, that sometimes must and sometimes must not or even can´t be repaired in the race. Then iRacing adds with the broken SR another punishment and that is like the FIA punishes Hamilton or McLaren for getting crashed by Vettel. You do realise how stupid that is..
Plz do me a favour and stop this crazy argumentation it is really so dumb, SR is not = money loss it´s fia adding some crazy punishment for the guy who just got crashed by a mistake of another driver..
No NOT only +0.1 I was sure I will get again -anything in that race because that guy crashed right into me and i flew of the track.. (and there it was again contact 4x..) I still got a + and not a - for that race so it was okish..