In the polish translation I observed a small grammar issue related to the mirrors. The "left" and "right" text for the mirror adjustment are actually under the same code as the other menu options like fps counter placement, virtual startlights and minimap (3a_smalleft/3a_smalrght in the language file). In the PL translation, those are translated to "po lewej" and "po prawej" (literally "ON THE left" and "ON THE right"), which are correct for those settings, but seems kinda weird when it's related to the mirrors, as the more natural and commonly used translation would be just "lewe" and "prawe" ("left" or "right" literally). I'm not saying this is incorrect, and I'm not also sure if this issue is just in polish translation or in other languages as well, but it just seems a bit weird for me as it is right now, so if mirror adjustment text would be under different code in the language file, it would solve the issue, as it would make it possible to translate it separately. Attatched screenshots for reference.
BTW, about the G27 issue, I've played the entire day today without any problems, both offline and online.