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John Hilton
S2 licensed
I'm not sure, i think i set my wheel/pedals up on the main menu rather than in the game.... i think
John Hilton
S2 licensed
LOL I remember why i dont play now... i can't get my pedals to map.... i can see the axis moving and the coloured bars moving..... but the car doesn't rev brake or clutch lol

EDIT: it just started working lol
I've been here for 20+ years!
John Hilton
S2 licensed

Also hi to the old timers...... hmmmmmm i'm also still on S2 Face -> palm
John Hilton
S2 licensed
.....wait 20 years!..... and Driven distance :
60645.48 Ml

John Hilton
S2 licensed
Older timer here also!
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Where can i find Designdudes complete skin pack
John Hilton
S2 licensed
These guys are so talented, but all the links seems to be dead.....

don't suppose anybody has the complete set hosted somewhere?

John Hilton
S2 licensed
yes it does, but, i think its something to do with the "color profiles" "rgb" vs "adboe rgb"
Need help with colours in photoshop
John Hilton
S2 licensed
ok, let my start by saying i'm colourblind lol

i've made a skin for our team, and im finding it hard to get the colour pink correct, here's 2 screen shots... look at the mirrors, the first is to purple (so im told) and the 2nd almost white.

my colour mode in cs4 is rgb, not sure if its adobe rgb, so i need your help

this is the pink i want;

John Hilton
S2 licensed
just an update guys,

finished my skin started with an idea found in another skin (unknown artists), i didn't have the psd of the skin so had to start from scratch;


got the idea from this skin;

first stage;

pics are dark here because of gpu settings;

John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Have you even bothered to look in the Skin help/tools/templates subforum?

ermm yes i have boothy and i've found what i needed now..... after readin' the search results from the subforum, just wanted to reply here to say

"not the bother guys i missed it in my first search"

but you beat me to it with a bitchy comment

and it was Daloonie's i was after thx again to the both of you
WANTED: realism layers for fxr
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Things like dust/dirt/damage/shadows/rivits etc etc

are they any layers that i can download to make my master skinnerz car more "real looking" thx.

John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :I wouldn't BAN anyone, although I'd warn/penalty the corsa, as it was clearly his fault.

stop being soft
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Weird incident. I'd say both are at fault: the 370Z for outbraking itself while it wasn't gonna make the corner at that speed, and the Corsa aswell for clipping the back of the 370Z.

Hard to judge on that one though since the external camera is misleading indeed. I thought that the Corsa was at fault at first, but I came to my final decision after viewing the 370Z onborad cam.

yes but you can clearly see the weight shift on the corsa, he meant to hit that Z, it was a full blown schumacher move. imo
John Hilton
S2 licensed
i'm not on his ass
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :If you actually know the Castle Combe circuit you know that that part of the track is quite narrow and the corner is deceptively tighter than it appears. I acknowledged that the Corsa driver could have waited longer to turn in (hoping that the 370Z would have been out of the way by then), but I'm not sure if there would have been enough time). That is, by the time the Corsa had an unobstructed turn-in to the corner it would have been too late and he would not have made the corner. Even if the Corsa driver had waited to turn in and had been clear that would still have been caused by the actions of the 370Z driver. Hence it's the 370Z driver's fault.


well yes that corner is know for the above.... but look at where the corsa driver starts to "turn in"

note to everybody.... have you watched the whole vid....... the nissan gives him a little tap from behind early in the race....... i think the corsa driver was pi$$ed because he knew he was faster but had a slower car....
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from hp999 :I think it was the Corsa's fault.

I watched the video a few days ago. The 370Z had the perfect line and it was going to brake itself out, but the Corsa driver could've braked a bit earlier... not really hard to see if a car is going to break out or not.

My two cents.

dont think the corsa braked looking at it again.........

........ nope he did, once he stopped.
John Hilton
S2 licensed
oops wrong section sorry
which one would you ban?
John Hilton
S2 licensed
the corsa or 370z?

i'd ban the corsa for revenge crashin', and give the z a telling off.

(imho the z was gonna crash anyway he out braked himself)
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Yeah! Well, I sort of lost track long ago... But it was a good intention... Planning a new one?

lol its even in the wrong section now???? WTF? is it a improvement suggestion to make the demo users pay??
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Well i think this is one of my longer threads

nice to see some opinions

just got my g27 from logitech as my g25 broke

nice to see some names i know

.... anyway back to topic

flame away

posted this from my phone so sorry if it came out wrong
John Hilton
S2 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :for me, it actually did

its worth it tho.... nice to see you still playin'