This thread is insane
So now to something completly different, or else I will become insane too.
I will notice when the patch is released. Everyone here will shout out with joy and this won't be overheard on this planet!
OMG, 2000 posts in this thread... :faint:
The hotlap chart for KY national rev LX4 is linked with a WR and benchmark of 0:00.000. You can see this by displaying the hotlaps of the fastes racer (Righteous), who is not listed in the WR holders list.
I would really like to see this combination. This would get rid of the two parts of Long Huru-aito mentioned and that I don't like either. And such an extra long combination is missing in S2.
Perhaps the setup has asymetric camber settings and/or the tyre pressure is asymetric?
If not, there is no reason to use the "forward" setup on the reverse track. But some turns, when driven reverse may require some setup adjustments.
Hm, valid XHTML would read as <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="" />
Note the slash before the greater than sign closing the tag. Perhaps it is picky about that? (Would really be something, thinking about the way IE ignores each and every standard)
Edit: And the ampersands would have to be escaped by & too...
This is true, but it would be better letting him do his normal pitstop. He would have to complete his penalty after that lap. It is really a security issue to force a damaged car around the track once more.
So normal pitstops should be doable, even if a penalty is pending.
I have switched to the DFP from my old Thrustmaster GT FF three days ago, and I must say that it took some time to get used to the greater turning range of the DFP. I am still not that fast that I used to be with the old wheel, but this is a normal learning process.
More turning range actually feels more natural while driving the car. Small corrections are more precise with the DFP while I didn't get the feeling for counter steering yet. Partly this may have to do with the pedals of the DFP, as the Thrustmaster pedals felt way better in the resistance and the pedal travel.
I always try to get fast setups (thanks for all guys out there sharing their sets) and many fast racers use the DFP, so I think that counter steering problem is really a matter of getting used to the greater turning range.
Damn, reading this a bit earlier would have saved me a useless download. I am to used to the way lfs handles this...
And the game needs you to be logged in as Administrator? Why? The error message it is displaying is not helpful either, it is an empty string. A long way to go for them.
Funny statement. Are they selling internet (i.e. full tcp/ip) or are they selling viewing webpages? You should really search for a real isp... they don't want you as a customer and they certainly don't want your money.
So puting the IP-addresses of the servers that are not resolveable into the hosts file (%WINNT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) should make it work again. Or setting another dns server for the connection. But I have no doubt that other servers could be blocked by this "isp"...
They do change size. You have to drive the tyres a little bit longer
They indicate tyre wear, as you already guessed. But I think your tests did not last long enough.
Just a wild guess: You don't have other programs running at the moment you play LFS? For example the firefox browser with some neat plugins? Or an opened LFSWorld page?
I have a weather forecast plugin installed and every now and then when the plugin fetches the new weather data or the LFSWorld page reloads I see LFS stutter. Not as much as you describe here, but it is very noticable. So I shut down each program I can get a hold of and this usually makes the game run more smooth.