// Lines beginning with double forward slashes and empty lines are ignored // The location of the LFS folder (to get track information) LFSFolderPath*C:/Program Files/LFS S2 // The host name to connect to HostName* // The port to connect to Port*29999 // The admin password (may be blank) AdminPassword*adminpass // The delay between handling InSim responses from LFS (in milliseconds) InSimBufferDelay*750 // The delay between updating the LFS Display message (in ms) UpdateLFSDisplayDelay*850 // The delay between requesting the current camera position from LFS (viewed player is the one the current gap is shown to) RequestCameraPositionDelay*650 // The number of previous nodes to use in the calculating of the current lap gap to the fastest lap NumberOfNodesForGapAverage*3 // The delay between updating player's positions on the track map UpdateTrackMapDelay*700 // The percentage of the lap the player must complete before a gap to the fastest lap is shown (may be 0) PercOfLapToCompleteBeforeDisplayingGap*5 // Text to display when there are no laps yet completed in session (i.e. no comparison lap) NoLapsCompletedText*No Laps Completed // Text to display when the viewed player is not on a hotlap PlayerNotOnHotlapText*Player Not On Hotlap // Text to display when no player is currently being viewed NoPlayerViewedText*No Player Viewed // Display the gap between the current lap and the fastest lap at the last split if available ShowGapAtLastSplit*true // Display the message panel (shows various information about the session, player's laptimes etc) DisplayMessagePanel*true // Display the track map (showing where players are on the track) DrawTrackMap*false // Show best speed trap information ShowSpeedTrapInformation*true