######################################################################### # Penalties # ######################################################################### # Actions to execute when player gets a penaltie. # If more actions, separate them with '|'. # Possible variables to use: # OnFastDriveOnPitL1 = Actions on 30 Sec Penalty or drive-through # OnFastDriveOnPitL2 = Actions on 45 Sec Penalty or Stop&Go # MaxFastDriveOnPit = Max Fast Drive on Pit allowed per race # OnMaxFastDriveOnPit = Actions on Max Fast Drive on Pit allowed # OnFalseStartL1 = 30 Sec Penalty or drive-through # OnFalseStartL2 = 45 Sec Penalty or Stop&Go # Local Variable can be used # {RemainFDIP} = Remain count for fast drive in pit #------------------------------------------------------------------- Event OnFastDriveOnPitL1() cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Username . "^1 Warning fast drive on pit" ); privMsg( "^1WARNING-KICK POSSIBLE" ); EndEvent Event OnFastDriveOnPitL2() cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Username . "^1 Spectate to fast drive on pit" ); privMsg( "^1KICK IN " . $RemainFDIP . " TRY" ); cmdLFS( "/kick " . $Username ); EndEvent Event OnMaxFastDriveOnPit() cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Username . "^1 kicked to fast drive on pit" ); cmdLFS( "/rcm ^1YOU ARE KICKED" ); cmdLFS( "/rcm_ply " . $Username ); cmdLFS( "/kick " . $Username ); EndEvent $MaxFastDriveOnPit = 2;