############################################################################# # Cruise help addon fro gui_help ############################################################################# CatchEvent OnLapperStart() $HLP_MAX = $HLP_MAX + 1; $GUI_HELP_ITEMS = $GUI_HELP_ITEMS . ":Cruise,"; GlobalVar $HLP_CRUISE_Help; $HLP_CRUISE_Help = $HLP_MAX; $HLP_MAX = $HLP_MAX + 1; $GUI_HELP_ITEMS = $GUI_HELP_ITEMS . "Cruise_Help,"; GlobalVar $HLP_CRUISE_Rules; $HLP_CRUISE_Rules = $HLP_MAX; $HLP_MAX = $HLP_MAX + 1; $GUI_HELP_ITEMS = $GUI_HELP_ITEMS . "Cruise_Rules,"; EndCatchEvent Sub DoHelpCruise_Help ( $KeyFlags, $id ) DrawHelpGUI($HLP_CRUISE_Help,"Cruise Help"); EndSub Sub DoHelpCruise_Rules ( $KeyFlags, $id ) DrawHelpGUI($HLP_CRUISE_Rules,"Cruise Rules"); EndSub Lang "EN" gui_help_contents_Cruise_Help = "^2Cruise commands" . "%nl%^3!cruiseh ^8- Shows this help" . "%nl%^3!km ^8- Show current amount of km you have" . "%nl%^3!cash ^8- Show current amount of cash you have" . "%nl%^3!cars ^8- Show the current cars you own" . "%nl%^3!show ^8- Shows Everyone Your Stats" . "%nl%^3!buy [car] ^8- Buy the listed car" . "%nl%^3!sell [car] ^8- Sell the listed car" . "%nl%^3!pitlane ^8- Sends you to pitlane" . "%nl%^3!price [car] ^8- Display price of the listed car" . "%nl%^3!send [amount] [user] ^8- sends the listed amount of cash to the listed user" . "%nl%^3!pitsafe ^8- Displays whether your safe to pit" . "%nl%^3!officer ^8- Go on/off duty" . "%nl%" . "%nl%^2Police Commands" . "%nl%^7!chase [user]" . "%nl%^6!unchase" . "%nl%^7!Fine [amount]" . "%nl%^6!clock [user]"; gui_help_contents_Cruise_Rules = "%nl%^3Try to avoid swearing" . "%nl%^3Drive on the right side" . "%nl%^3Do NOT ram or crash other" . "%nl%^3The use of vob mods will result in a 365 day ban" . "%nl%^3Please say 'sorry' when u hit some one"; EndLang